Tag: transportation

The newest form of transportation presented to us in Skyward Sword deviated from the methodical engagement of travel presented to us in previous games – typically in the form of a horse. This is in league with the way Spirit Tracks threw at us a completely different form of transportation, but taken to a completely new and exciting level. The prospect of exploring the sky aback a giant bird was original and exciting to fans everywhere. In the end, we…

Overworld. This is a common video game term used when discussing adventure titles and RPGs, and as such it is frequently used in Zelda discussions. Wiktionary defines “overworld” as: Noun: In certain video games, the space connecting disparate towns/dungeons/levels. It can encompass the entire world, but doesn’t necessarily have to. So by definition, any area that cannot be classed as one of the “safe areas” (towns) or the dangerous caves, tunnels and fortresses through which you battle (dungeons, levels) is…

Alrighty, guys! Unlucky #13! Weird stuff might happen this time because of the unlucky number. Wonder what, though? And hey, 13 questions! Most I’ve ever answered! About half the questions are Zelda Wii related, which should be a relief to those who didn’t like the Zelda Wii focus last week. Enjoy! Questions and their timestamps: (00:19) – Do you think Twilight Princess’ bosses were big to hide how easy they were? (01:15) – What do you think of the original…

Hey hey hey you guys! Got Curiosity Shop #11 for you! Haha, sorry if you were expecting the question count to be bigger again. It’s only 11 this time. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure I’ll ever be able to pass 12. Maybe if I have a lot of tiny questions sometime! Here are the questions and their timestamps: (00:06) – What are your favorite and least favorite bosses? (01:39) – Is there anything you like about Twilight Princess?…