Summer Games Done Quick, the speed run marathon for charity, is about to wrap up its five-day event with one final game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The run is scheduled to be roughly 4 hours long at most, and begins at approximately 8:30pm MDT (that’s 7:30pm PST and 10:30pm EST. I didn’t know they were broadcasting from Denver.) The time has been changing frequently, as it depends on the runs prior to it, so please check the schedule here often (it shows the times based on your computer’s time zone). You can watch the marathon live right here.
Any donations you make go to Doctors Without Borders, a France-based humanitarian organization that helps out people of any nation suffering from armed conflict, disease, natural disasters, and anything else of that nature. Your donations will also enter you into a raffle to win prizes. The prizes during Twilight Princess are some Zelda playing cards, faerie bottles, and a replica treasure chest. All of the money goes towards a great cause so please, if you can spare something, make the speed runners proud and donate.
This is the final game in the marathon, and a great one at that. So far in this marathon we’ve seen amazing speed runs of The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, a surprise twenty-minute run of Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past, and now we’re on Twilight Princess. That’s almost every console Zelda game! Did you tune in for the marathon? Are you watching now, or looking forward to Twilight Princess? What has been your favorite run of the marathon so far?