Tag: review

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is a game with some truly revolutionizing techniques that helped shape the rest of the series. It also enhanced many of the techniques from the older games and built upon their themes and stories. But was it a truly amazing game, or was it just an average game that people have over-glorified? Well, we think that it was an amazing game, even though it could be very much improved with today’s…

Recently, Barnes and Noble have been offering a fanfiction based on the Legend of Zelda series for free on their website as a download for the “Nook“ application, which allows you to read books on computers, smart phones, and other devices. “Silent Hero” tells the story of a Link who has not appeared in any game in the Zelda series, but follows the same heroic lineage. I had the chance to read the book and here are some of my…

Majora’s Mask seems like a very unusual sort of Zelda game. Most games in the series have used a template of game design and storytelling very similar to your standard fantasy epic. Majora’s Mask was a different sort of story. Ironically, while the stakes were far higher than they’ve ever been, we were dealing with a very personal journey, and the story dealt more with the every day dealings of the people than it did with the battle against evil….

At first glance, Majora’s Mask appears to be an obscure, almost experimental entry in the Zelda franchise.  While its graphical style, overall gameplay formula, and control scheme build upon what was introduced in earlier Zelda titles, its time mechanic and focus on masks makes for a different experience from previous games in the series. The differences are welcome and not easily ignored.  For the most part, they enhance the basic elements of the franchise as a whole while forging a…

The folks over at GameSpite.net have put together an article looking back at the original Legend of Zelda for the NES. Every so often we see these types of retrospective articles, looking back at games from the past, trying to re-imagine the experience, highlight the nostalgia that came with the game, and try to introduce older games to the younger audience. This article is no different but it is done very well that even as a fan who has read…

Every once in awhile you come across a person who has absolutely no idea what they are talking about, but feels the need to talk about it nonetheless. In a recent article in a local high school newspaper, author Hannah Tackett talks about The Twilight Princess and describes the greatness of what the game is. Please note that the article is dated for March 28th, 2010 and well, it’s highly inaccurate. Enjoy… Zelda, the princess of Hyrule, has been around…

Spirit Tracks has really settled for most Zelda enthusiasts with many of us having already completed the game several times. Many Zelda fans were disappointed with Phantom Hourglass, yet they viewed Spirit Tracks as a form of redemption for Nintendo. One of the guys over at The Kartel has a much different approach and feels that Spirit Tracks was a big step back for Nintendo after what he thought was a very successful Phantom Hourglass. “An optimistic view of Spirit…

The folks over at airship over water have put together a lengthy retro review of the Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask. The author goes into some great detail discussing many of the things that have made Majora’s Mask garner quite a cult following over the years. In fact, many Zelda fans today consider it to be by far the greatest of the Zelda games, mostly because of its rather deep, metaphorical storyline. Listed below are some of the pros and…

Over the last three months there has been dozens of Spirit Tracks reviews and the vast majority of them have been positive. However, now that the game has had time to settle in the minds of gamers, we can almost start looking back at Spirit Tracks in the past tense, rather than as a current game. Richard Poskozim of The Lantern has put together a recent review of Spirit Tracks and unlike most reviewers, he spends a heck of a…

Every once in awhile, you see some sort of Zelda review or Zelda article that just makes you shake your head, thinking, what the heck is the author even talking about? Well, today we have another one of these, but this time in the form of a retrospective review of the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Rob Lefebvre of Anchor Web created the piece and a segment of his review can be seen below. But as Link traverses the…