Tag: News


Obscure Monty Python references aside – I was really looking forward to playing Xenoblade today. The winner for silliest name today goes to an item called Love Rack. The implications are pretty obvious and I shall comment no further upon it. Now to get the obvious out of the way – today was a good day for Xenoblade. There have been some good moments, some downright incredible ones. However I wouldn’t be a nitpicker if I didn’t nitpick so there are several complaints of various sizes. Unfortunately there are two HUGE disappointments near the end of today’s sitting that really hurt the game a lot, and I sincerely hope the latter is only a one time occurrence. Jump inside for the full story.

As usually, massive spoilers ahead.

The Importance of Death Mountain.

For those who remember, last month I wrote up an analysis on the significance of the inhabitants of Kokiri Forest and their relationship to the overall plot of Ocarina of Time and Link’s character.

Each temple featured in Ocarina of Time has its own unique significance, and each temple is represented by a Sage, a secondary character who plays a vital role in the development of Link’s character.

Kokiri Forest, the Forest Temple, and Saria all relate to Link’s initial character and his eventual departure from childhood. After all, Ocarina of Time is all about Link growing up, albeit in a rather unorthodox way.

The next stage in Link’s journey takes him to Death Mountain, the land of the Gorons.

Ghirahim's sword during his invasion of Skyloft

This article was inspired by an idea from RayxConsume at Zelda Universe Forums. Thanks also to BlackOwlDog for noticing elements of this as well.

Like my last article, I am about to discuss content that is potentially heavily spoiler-ridden. If you hope to avoid ruining the storyline of Skyward Sword, I advise you not to read on beyond this bolded header so as to preserve the purity of your first impressions while playing through the game. Of course, I also want to make abundantly clear that the observations contained herein are not intended to be taken as statements of “confirmed fact,” but just that – observations. That said, read on if you’re curious about what storyline secrets I’m referring to.

E'rybody hit da floor.A couple of months ago, we updated everyone with the work of DJ Ephixa and his ZeldaStep remixes. Depending on whether or not you’re a fan of dubstep, you would have realised that these remixes were not just Zelda tunes overlayed on top of fat beats and drum patterns. Ephixa has actually put a lot of work into producing these dubstep remixes, and they’re so good, they’re pretty much worthy of the clubs… well, the Hylian clubs, anyway. Ephixa’s newest remix of the Dragon Roost Island theme is particularly exemplary of these high production values. A few other songs, including the famous Gerudo Valley tune, have also been added to Ephixa’s repertoire. Being a bit of a clubber myself, I would love to walk into a night club and hear the Hylian beats blasting through the bass subs. Dubstep’s taking over, and Zelda is now a part of the phenomenon. Hit the jump for the full experience.

Erica's Ocarina Experience: Spirit FluteIt’s time for another Erica’s Ocarina Experience!  It was very difficult to choose which song to play for this week’s Ocarina Experience.  There was a tie, but in the end I chose the song from Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.  I actually wrote out multiple parts for this song for multiple instruments. This is the first one that isn’t played on an ocarina in the game, so it’s fun to see how it sounds.  I have picked out the most similar and simple piece to share, and I hope you all enjoy it.

For those who don’t know this song, I have written out the main Spirit Flute part.  In the game, Anjean entrusted the Spirit Flute to Tetra when she first arrived on the shores of the new land.  It has been passed down since then, to the current Princess Zelda in the game.  There are a total of five songs to play in the game on the Spirit Flute, but the soundtrack is very fun.  It’s definitely something I can play along with on my ocarina and feel at ease.  The Spirit Flute is a pan flute, which are tied to the Greek god Pan.  The Spirit Flute is most similar to a Siku, though, which is a traditional Andean panpipe.  The Siku is originally from the Aymaras of Peru.

For the video and notes for this fun and short song, hit the jump!


Hello and welcome to day #2 of my very own Xenoblade adventure. It’s me again, your friendly host, Zelda Informer co-founder and generally incredibly awesome and sexy person, Damir Halilović. If you haven’t, check out day 1 and get up to speed. However, please note that both articles, and all other articles in this series will contain a HUGE AMOUNT OF SPOILERS, so beware.

I did not make as much progress as I had hoped to today, partially due to my job, and mostly because no matter how much I TRY to like this game, it’s made of exactly the kind of stuff that makes my blood boil. However, I lasted through the few hours, and I don’t intend to stop playing yet, so I guess a tentative C is in order. Hop inside for the full story

WikiWe’re always looking to clean things up at Zelda Informer, and strive to provide a better user experience. This week, Dennis and myself have been spending a lot of time getting things cleaned up. A lot of the cleanup was simply cleaning the code up in the layout, but we’ll be making a few stylistic changes over the next few days. The right navigation, as an example, will have a nice stylistic feel to it.

That being said, one of the major changes was moving the Wiki to a new url, specifically to http://wiki.zeldadungeon.net. The best part in this move? We’ve activated short URL’s, something that wasn’t previously able to be done since the wiki conflicted with our sites backend system.

One major feature we are working on right now is connecting our forums and comment section in terms of having one solitary account. The method we are choosing to do this with is Facebook Connect. While you still have to register individually with the forums and the comments, you can choose to register via Facebook, which will allow you to connect the accounts to a single login. It’s not a perfect system, but it works. We’ll likely include other ways to do this between both accounts down the road. Eventually, if we get big enough to be able to afford the paid version of Disqus, we may have a single registration across the whole site.

Unfortunately, this wont apply to the Wiki out the gate, but we’ll look into integrating that into facebook connect down the line

Skyloft's winged goddess statue - pay close attention to the architecture

What I am about to discuss is (assuming my observations are correct) potentially heavily spoiler-ridden. Anyone who hopes to avoid spoiling the storyline of Skyward Sword is advised not to read on beyond this bolded header so as to preserve the purity of your first impressions while playing through the game. Of course, I also want to make abundantly clear that the observations contained herein are not intended to be taken as statements of “confirmed fact,” but just that – observations. That said, read on if you’re curious about what storyline secrets I’m referring to.

Zelda Williams, named after the legendary princess herself, appeared at E3Nintendo’s really been pushing Zelda Williams as a Zelda series spokesperson since she appeared in a series of TV commercials for Ocarina of Time 3D a few months ago. One has to wonder how they’ll take the news that Zelda’s in support of the Operation Moonfall movement, which aims to garner fan support for a possible Majora’s Mask 3D release. She Tweeted about the Resistance

Operation a few hours ago. Jump inside for her quote.

Wind Waker Box Art

Welcome to a new article series here at ZeldaInformer! You may be wondering what I mean by waiting out the Wii. Well, here it is: the Wii is a dying, virtually dead console. It basically is only two games away from permanently hitting the shelf just in time for his younger brother to take the stage. But Nintendo fanboys have to have something to do during this downtime in games, right? And with both the Wii and the 3DS in a state of sleep right now, what better way to keep myself entertained then to go back and play a lot of the Nintendo classics that I never got a chance to play?

That’s right, I have missed out on a LOT of games. I have only played a handful of N64 games and 1(2 counting Wind Waker) GameCube games. I have also missed out on a few Wii gems. So, I have decided to play them. And, being the dedicated writer that I am, I decided that I would share my experience with you all. So, read on to learn about my first experience with The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and to vote for my next game.