Tag: News

Usin' the Beetle like a boss

While nothing “new” for any of Nintendo’s core franchises has shown up at PAX 2011 – yet – there’s still more footage of people testing out the Skyward Sword demo for us to check out. Even though I’ve already delivered my impressions of the game and written up a walkthrough of the demo as a primer for our full-blown Skyward Sword walkthrough (coming later this year), there’s still a lot to be learned or clarified from other footage.

As usual, see my observations of today’s footage after the jump.

Rough waters ahead for Nintendo's President and the Wii URecently I haven’t been too sure how seriously to take the slew of reports coming out of 01net regarding Nintendo’s current position and future goals. On the one hand, Nintendo did just breeze through Europe for Gamescom last week, meaning the time is ripe for media to be combing for new information. We certainly got a lot out of Miyamoto during his last trip through the region, for instance. On the other hand, though, the content and sheer number of these reports seems a bit too convenient for 01net. Still, it’s something to talk about.

Apparently the site pinned down a Nintendo employee for an interview who spilled a combination of concerns and high hopes for the company going forward – whether Iwata will last much longer as President, working to ensure third-party developers want to bring content to Nintendo systems, and improving the 3DS and Wii U. See what the “anonymous source” had to say after the jump.

The new thing to do when you're feeling awkward at a party? Analysts believe so.There’s been a bit of discussion floating around recently proposing that Nintendo should give up on their professionally-diagnosed disorder which I have appropriately dubbed anal-retentive-series-exclusivity (ARSE). What that means is, people think Nintendo should share the love of their game franchises – Mario, Metroid and Zelda – with other gaming platforms, particularly within the mobile market. The way some folks see it, Nintendo’s ship is sinking, they’re not going to be in the hardware market for much longer, and they need to cling onto any success strategy they can in order to make the big bucks, lest they go down in flames.

What to do? What to do?! Oh! Somebody think of the children! To be sure, it’s a pickle of a dilemma and a big question to pose to the Nintendo heads of office – any decision will easily change the direction of the Nintendo company forever. Jump inside for more preposterous ideas.

Aonuma believes the Wii U Zelda controller would be great for inventory selection; that may be, but is it really worth sacrificing the Motion Plus framework?This month’s Nintendo Power is a celebration of all things Nintendo, and that means The Legend of Zelda, too. Eiji Aonuma sat down with the official mag to talk about ideas for a Wii U installment of the series, and how the tablet controller might be used to freshen up the series. He seems really animated about using the new controller in the next Zelda game because it offers two-screen options that simply aren’t possible with the 3DS’s split-screen handheld setup, where the screens can only exist side-by-side.

Beyond using the touch screen for inventory selection, Aonuma also seems pretty confident that it could be used effectively in representing Link’s items and weapons, similar to the Wii Motion Plus setup we see in Skyward Sword. I however think differently – if anything, the Wii U controller is a huge step back from the advancements of Motion Plus, at least for the Zelda series. Jump inside for why I think this as well as the direct quote from Mr. Aonuma.


You may or may not remember this, but back during Comic-Con 2011 last month, an artist at the official Nintendo booth spent the weekend working on a giant chalk mural. While the mural was just a copy of the Ocarina of Time 3DS promotional art, it was still very cool.

As of today, a time lapse video of the artist, Eric Maruscak, working on the chalk masterpiece is now online. You check it out after the jump.


Hello and welcome to yet another episodes of Xenosucks Xenoblade! I am your host Damir “Demigod” Halilović, and with me as my co-host are my imaginary friends Hannibal Lecter and Nate. We continue today with our daily (Soon perhaps to turn into semi-daily, more on that later) dissection of the newest hit RPG title for the Wii. As per usual, I will keep on nitpicking, calling the game out on its BS, and people will still clog out common sense and spew my inbox with angry messages, not realizing that they’re pouring oil into the fire. I love my job.

Be aware once again that there are spoilers ahead, so steer away if you want to shut out the voices in your head telling you to burn the cat of the fat neighbor kid who stole your piece of cake on your own damn birthday party and always smells like stale milk, while at the same time filling your head with echoes of their own laughter at your very own insecurities and flaws until every last shred of your self-esteem has degenerated and seeped into the black depths of your soul where it joined the big, black, pulsating tumor representing your pent up rage, sadness, bitterness, envy and self-loathing, always reminding you that your mother does not love you, you will not succeed in life and there will be no warm hand to hold your own as you reach old age, dying of bowel cancer, eyes filled with contrite tears, sad and alone in your dark, moist, low-end apartment… I had a point there somewhere…

It's Star Wars, Nintendo-style. Anthropomorphized.It’s been a long time coming, but Star Fox 64 3D is finally set to be released in North America and Europe in a few weeks time, the 9th of September, with a subsequent release in Australia on the 15th. With what can otherwise be considered a drought of triple A software available for the Nintendo 3DS system, Nintendo fanboys will be looking to Star Fox 64 3D as the next big Nintendo release, following The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. As well as being the first major Star Fox game in some time, the game will be expecting to reel in a number of old fans as well as new players.

Unlike Ocarina of Time, the number of players who owned and played Star Fox 64 were slightly less in number, and as such, Star Fox 64 3D will be a completely new experience for those players – who may be jumping into the Lylat System for the first time. These players may not know what to expect from Team Star Fox. So, leading up to the release of what is looking to be a high-quality, well-constructed remake, it may be necessary to look at where exactly the game has been, so as to determine where the remake may be going. As one of the most cherished games released for the Nintendo 64, it’s the least we can do to sing the game’s successes, and explore what made this intergalactic escapade with a squad of cute, furry animals (and one slimy, annoying toad) so memorable. Do a barrel roll for the full article.

Will the rest of the world get this kind of Zelda-related promo stuff?

Here’s something I didn’t see coming: Skyward Sword-themed Nintendo Points cards! Sure, they’re not necessarily something that I’d put on display, but they’re snazzy and given all of the Virtual Console stuff set to hit the 3DS eShop soon they’ll be pretty darn useful for anyone curious in Nintendo’s classic library to boot.

This image is starting to pop up in a lot of places on Nintendo’s official websites, so I’m thinking it’s probably going to be featured as the box art. (At least in Europe and Japan, we all know America’s track record with Zelda box art.) There’s also an Ocarina of Time 3D version of the card, which you can sneak a peek at after the jump.

My personal favorite Operation Moonfall banner

A couple weeks ago we delivered a response to a video blog post by Zelda Dungeon’s Axle the Beast which explained why he’s against Operation Moonfall, the fan movement for Nintendo to produce a Majora’s Mask equivalent of Ocarina of Time 3D on the 3DS. And this past Saturday Axle came back with his own reply.

By now my fan-love for Majora’s Mask is legendary around these parts, so you can be sure I have some opinions on what he had to say. One of his most resounding points is that everything Majora’s Mask 3D seeks to accomplish would be just as well fulfilled by a Majora’s Mask Virtual Console-style port, but I’m not so sure that avenue is even a possibility on the 3DS. Anybody else think this doesn’t really make sense? Jump inside for my thoughts.

DrunkGirlsKissing.jpgGood morning Zelda Informer. Good morning Life. Crazy shit happens when you drink alcoholic beverages. Have any of you seen the Hangover? What about the Hangover Part II? Last night was my “hangover”. What started as a simple house party relatively close to home ended in a night I wish didn’t happen. My bank depleted entirely, a 3 foot turtle in the bathtub, a random girl in the bed, 150 miles away from home, lipstick written on the wall, oh and the best part? A blue bandana on the turtle’s head (hell yeah Leonardo!) Put it this way: If this wasn’t the best party ever, I don’t know what is. As a protip: No matter how heavy of a drinker you think you are, adding tequila (8 shots) to the 20+ you have already done is not a good idea.

So, in going through photo’s last night, only two are online right now, it’s clear to me what exactly went down.