Tag: new nintendo 3ds xl

It looks like we’re reaching the stage of sellouts for the launch of the New Nintendo 3DS XL. While the Majora’s Mask and Monster Hunter 4 version of the console have been sold out for weeks, one retailer has sold out of one of the two normal color variations. GameStop has completely sold out of the red version of the New Nintendo 3DS XL online, while in store they will likely be sold out within a day or two as well. While other retailers still have this color in stock, if you want to ensure you get the color of your choice at launch to play Majora’s Mask 3D…

Nintendo continues to push their YouTube representation, as some popular YouTubers are featured in their latest commercial. The footage was likely taken from a prior media event, but they certainly look like they are having a good time. The video actually contains two commercials back to back, with the second one featuring Monster Hunter 4, the other game being heavily advertised with the New Nintendo 3DS XL due to the new camera use and its improved textures on the platform. Be sure to check back here…

GameSpot recently got it’s hands on the Majora’s Mask New Nintendo 3DS XL and decided to unbox it for us all. It’s a rather quick unboxing and it doesn’t necessarily look at every aspect – as an example, they do not show the back plate at all, which bums me out a bit as someone who likes to watch unboxing videos despite not having any real logical reason to do so. That being said, it’s still a nice look at the system compared to another New Nintendo 3DS XL system. Are you looking forward to the 13th…

One fan on twitter has spotted a Majora’s Mask New Nintendo 3DS XL in the wild and taken a nice picture of it. This is the first time we have actually seen the console outside of the initial promotion and outside of the box. It looks as good as you would expect, with the stellar gold finish. The console is being kept being a glass display case at, what I assuming to be, the Nintendo World Store. Is it too late for me to call Nintendo and tell them I’d give them $400 for this particular console? Of course, the Nintendo World Store…

If you’re like me, you’ve spent days online refreshing tabs and tabs of retailer pages, trying to catch the next time the Majora’s Mask New 3DS XL pre-orders become available. Maybe some of you have given up, like I’ve been considering doing over the last few days. With new retailers frequently being announced, it seems like our chances of snagging this beautiful new Zelda console would be increasing…

With fewer than three weeks until the release of Majora’s Mask 3D and the New 3DS XL in North America and Europe, the coveted remake and handheld console are only just out of reach.  While some lucky individuals have been able to try out both at media events, the general public has had little, if any chance to give them a try.  Luckily for our fans in Canada, Nintendo is amending this issue by bringing the two, along with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, to various Best Buy and Future Shop stories in various cities throughout… 

By now we’ve all had our say one way or another when it comes to the Majora’s Mask New Nintendo 3DS XL fiasco. Some of you might agree with my premise that limited editions are okay, but not giving us a heads up for preorders is wrong. Others still might see how what they did helps Nintendo while hurting us. Still others obviously feel they should just keep pumping them out until they stop selling. Whatever the case may be, I think we can all agree that as fans, we got a bit of a raw deal. In a play on this concept, Kotaku asked their fans to create their own Zelda themed…

With Club Nintendo shutting down and Best Buy canceling pre-orders, our podcast team spends this episode discussing the idea of merchandise and physical rewards vs. digital rewards. We also discuss our favorite gaming giant’s competitors: Microsoft (With their recent windows 10 conference) and Sony (They do stuff too sometimes). We continue to mention the new list of weekly features at ZI, as well as talk about the plethora of Zelda parodies you can find online! It’s a great conversation this week filled with both laughter and depth. Your collection of talking heads for this week is Adam (Does he ever take a week off?), Jake (Just some guy, I guess), Chris (Lovable and foolish as always), and Caleb (He hates games and so should you)… 

Target.com has updated their website by adding a page for the Majora’s Mask new 3DS XL. The page does have the “pre-order now” box grayed out indicating that they are not currently available. However, according to one reddit user, multiple Target representatives have stated that “the item will be back”, but wouldn’t say when. Some have stated that Nintendo has never explicitly said that the console was a limited edition and this user has suggested that the Target employees may be eluding to a second wave release of the console. While this is not a likely scenario, it is nice to hear that some stores are hopeful that they will be getting more…

Today some interesting news crossed our path, so I did some additional researching and even went to my local store. As it turns out, Best Buy is currently in the process of issuing refunds to people who ordered more than one Majora’s Mask New Nintendo 3DS XL, as they are limiting it to one per customer. This is good news for many, as scalpers who scooped up several copies will be stuck with just the one from their store to resell. Originally you could order as many as you liked, so I am sure if someone wants they could argue false advertising…