Tag: Majora’s Mask Opera

For those of you who didn’t already know, there is an opera in the works based on The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. M. Bulteau has been working on the project since May of 2012 and continues to release demos of the project on it’s journey to completion. The story does not involve our hero, Link, but instead follows Kafei in his journey to find the Sun Mask. You can find Bulteau’s reasoning for this decision here. So sit back, relax and click on the video above to watch the most recently released demo from this incredible interpretation of a fan favorite Zelda title…

Majora’s Mask is one of the deepest and most atmospheric titles in the Legend of Zelda franchise, and every year fans cry out for another trip into the land of Termina. Part of what made the world so immersive and distinctive was the feeling that all the characters had their own stories to tell instead of the story revolving solely around Link and the player. Miguel Bulteau plans to explore one of these stories and provide a different view on Termina in the form of an opera based around the love story of Kafei and Anju. Click through to see one of the latest videos demoing a song from the opera.

[news post contributed by Christina] The music from Zelda has always blown us away with its impressive ambience. The emotion and reminiscence that each musical piece brings out in us can vary from person to person but the positive effect is a constant. Why shouldn’t the music from the Majora’s Mask Opera be just as amazing? MBulteau13 on YouTube recently posted a video of a musical piece called “Kafei’s Dream”. Multiple areas from the game are represented in this compilation…