Tag: Majora’s Mask 3D

By now, most Zelda fans who care know that Zelda U will most likely not be recieving a 2015 release date. Some fans were blown away and depressed, and some, like me, were still saddened but for the most part accepted this. Aonuma specifically explained the reason for the delay was because of new possibilities of improvement for Zelda U.

What saddens us all is the announcement on Miiverse that Zelda U will not be shown at E3; no demo, no trailer, nothing…

Zelda fans can do some cool things with the in-game instruments in games like Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask. Case in point: this fan taking rick rolling to a new level. Simple or complex, it’s pretty impressive what some fans can do with the freedom afforded by the music controls in the two N64 Zelda titles…

The composer brothers are perhaps the most famous siblings in the Zelda series. And though they appear in two games, it is within Majora’s Mask that their relationship is truly at its darkest…

With all the magical items within Link‘s inventory, one would not necessarily consider rods to be a stand-out choice for the green-clad hero. Who needs a rod when you have Master Sword and some magic boots, right? Well as it turns out, rods have actually remained frequently utilized tools in the hero’s quest and have proven to be some of the most important items in the series. While there may be a wand or two, rods have actually popped up more often than many other magical implements in the Zelda series, always providing our hero with unique and amazing powers. With rods proving to be such an integral and significant class of item, we’ve decided to examine the most powerful, fanciful, and overall magical rods in the Zelda series…

Update: Sold out.

Most GameStop in-store locations are complete sold out of the Majora’s Mask New Nintendo 3DS XL restock from yesterday and the same is true of Fry’s electronic retail chain. Obviously online orders sold out even faster, but GameStop apparently had more stock for online orders than they realized, as they re-opened orders for a bundle package we talked about yesterday. The bundle includes a Majora’s Mask New Nintendo 3DS XL, Majora’s Mask 3D, the Prima Strategy guide, A Link Between Worlds, and Code Name S.T.E.A.M…

The Legend of Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has recently revealed the winners of the Majora’s Mask Art Academy contest on Miiverse. The contest was announced as part of a joint celebration for the launch of Majora’s Mask 3D and the return of the Symphony of the Goddesses Master Quest Tour, and encouraged artists of all skill levels to design an entry based on the world of Termina and its inhabitants. The caliber of the entries and the creativity is quite…

Zora Link blew the crowd away last week with his stunning solo performance of the Clock Town Theme, only to engage in a rocking encore performance of the Gerudo Valley Theme.

No, really. A committed Zelda fan, dekuNukem, used Zora Link’s guitar to play these two songs in-game! You can see the masterful performance in the video…

Many would agree that Majora’s Mask has some of the strongest characters in the entire Zelda series. Eiji Aonuma has admitted before that the game was meant to appeal to a more adult audience, and this fact is proven in the well-developed, more serious characters. In a recent interview with Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream, Aonuma explained how many of the characters and scenarios present in Majora’s Mask are inspired by the developers’ personal experiences, some of which being extremely serious…

In a recent interview with Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma took the time to speak more on the one year development cycle of the original Majora’s Mask. While we may have already seen several interviews regarding the subject, this particular one gives some insight on how the team was affected by the heavy workload. He also explains how he and Yoshiaki Koizumi (current Mario series producer) divided their efforts to successfully finish the game…

A cosplayer by the name of Siegfried has made a life-size Razor Sword from Majora’s Mask available for sale. If any fan has ever wanted a replica of the blade, now they can have one…