Tag: Guitar

I’ve been playing Ocarina of Time recently, and after all these months away from the game, I’d forgotten how much I loved Saria’s Song. No wonder Darunia feels inspired to dance when he hears it! Saria’s Song is even powerful enough to guide you through the dangerous Lost Woods. Are you ready to hear a metal cover of it? Even if you aren’t a huge fan of metal, it’s still a good listen, so hit the jump!

Sometimes I wish I could go back to the announcement and release of Skyward Sword. Skyward Sword was the first Zelda game release that I was present for and involved in the community for the entire time, and I have many fond memories of watching trailers and reading theories, especially finding out that the main theme was Zelda’s Lullaby backwards. Here’s a bit of a throwback to the end of 2011, when Skyward Sword was released. Hit the jump to listen!

About a year and a half ago Nintendo released two music books of official arrangements of Zelda music for guitar and piano. While many people did, and still do create their own fantastic arrangements of Zelda music, this gave people a “standard” source, and is really helpful for people that aren’t as good at playing music by ear. Soon after the books came out, Sathoshi Aikawa, by the YouTube handle GilvaSunner uploaded every single guitar cover in great quality. Hit the jump to…

With the Zelda series being the home to a multitude of brilliant tunes, it should come as no surprise that the fan base is full of artistically inclined people. All over YouTube, hundreds of Zelda fans pick up their ocarinas, harps, and most recently, PVC pipes, to create their own version of Koji Kondo’s best works. Due to the music of Zelda being so vastly different from game to game and invoking different moods in each piece, it seems many…

Over the course of a few days in December, YouTuber jam2995, or Jake, uploaded a four part EP which covered the end of Majora’s Mask on guitar. Though short, all of the pieces are done very well, and it’s evident that Jake put a lot of time into the EP. Can you guess which Majora’s Mask tunes are included in the selection? I’ll give you a hint: two are ocarina melodies. Hit the jump for a listen!

Cole Rolland and Bryce Goertzen bring us a new sound that we all find quite familiar. The “Song of Storms” like you have never heard before, a metalcore remix. For those of you who don’t know what metalcore is, it is a mix between extreme metal and hardcore punk. How does that sound for you? Link shredding on the guitar in a hair band? Well don’t get your hopes up, instead it is just two normal fans with extreme talent…

This week’s Windmill Hut features a song many of us hold near and dear, the “Wind Waker Title Theme.” This band cover is by YouTuber Tilusankari, combining different types of guitar, drums, and keyboard to create a brilliant masterpiece. Jump on in to pay homage to this amazing artist and song.

YouTuber neshead80 uploaded a video last week of his cover of the “Gerudo Valley Theme” from Ocarina of Time. Though we’ve heard this covered plenty of times, this is definitely something you should check out. neshead80 takes the theme and gives it a Spanish flavor, along with his own arrangement. At less than four minutes long, give this video a shot by hitting the jump; you won’t be disappointed.

[News post contributed by Esha S.] BMBGuitar is a talented YouTube guitarist who plans to cover all the theme music from A Link to the Past. He has already composed and uploaded his first five melodies of the classic yet beloved Zelda game. Each video consists of BMBGuitar exceptionally playing modern rock arrangements (guitars, bass, drums) to each successive song flawlessly. Although he is incredibly skilled, it seems that he hasn’t yet become well-known so please support this great artist…

Back in December YouTube user CsGuitar89 released his full length Zelda tribute album. With 18 original covers of Zelda songs from several different games of the series. The album, Hymns of Light and Shadows, is something I think every Zelda fan should own. Whether you’re a fan of soft melodic music, Metal, or anything in between this album has songs everyone can enjoy and with it being free to download, why wouldn’t you check it out? Today’s video from the…