Tag: freedom

Dreams are typically joyful escapes from reality, journeys into worlds with limitless potential and lifted restrictions. Most people would jump at the chance to live in a dream, but that apparent freedom we as humans find in our dips into the surreal turn to enchaining and stagnant nightmares when there’s no way out. When stuck in one place without the possibility of growth nor fulfillment, one would likely go insane and just give up. But Marin isn’t one to conform….

Welcome to the ninth installment of Piece of Heart, where we look at The Legend of Zelda series through the eyes of a literary professor and examine how its literary elements enhance the gaming experience. This week’s lesson is titled “Flights of Fancy”. This chapter could be wholly devoted to Skyward Sword since the name itself implies a departure from land, but instead we’ll examine literal, figurative, and ironic instances of flight that occur throughout the Zelda series. The Legend…

The Zelda franchise is famously premised on exploration. The original Legend of Zelda offered a world one could literally get lost in. Different mechanics — ranging from action to puzzle-solving — affected the way the player explored the world, but there could be little question that the whole purpose of the game was to discover. Zelda games have always struck an interesting balance. Like Nintendo’s other major adventure franchise, Metroid, Zelda games offer the player items which both advance the…