Tag: Exploration

The newest form of transportation presented to us in Skyward Sword deviated from the methodical engagement of travel presented to us in previous games – typically in the form of a horse. This is in league with the way Spirit Tracks threw at us a completely different form of transportation, but taken to a completely new and exciting level. The prospect of exploring the sky aback a giant bird was original and exciting to fans everywhere. In the end, we…

The Zelda series has always been known for open-ended gameplay, allowing for players to freely choose where they wish to go. The series is based on exploration and the player’s curiosity; when you explored, you were rewarded. The game structure promoted exploration; after every dungeon there would be places to explore that the player had not been to before and new places that could be reached that were previously inaccessible. The very first Legend of Zelda in 1987 did not…

These days we seem to be hearing more and more talk about the Zelda series getting stale. Nintendo reusing the same structure in each game is a good example. And I don’t just mean the game in general (collect three items, plot twist, collect some more items, final showdown). I’m also talking about specific elements, such as dungeon structure. Even other elements of the series have been reused again and again. Villains, items, plot twists, kidnappings, magical objects. Some people…

Do you think that Zelda Wii should take a lot of the aspects from The Wind Waker? Our friends over at The Hidden Triforce have recently written an article in which they firmly believe that Zelda Wii would be amazing if they borrow a bit from The Wind Waker. Here is a small tidbit from their recently posted article. Nintendo’s best Zelda games are those which revolutionize the series in some imaginative way and in my opinion The Wind Waker…

Hey there guys! Got a new discussion video for you! In order to keep something of a Zelda Wii theme this week, I’ve made a Zelda Wii video to go along with the Zelda Wii themed mailbag earlier this week. This video is a list of things I’d like to see in Zelda Wii, and in some cases I discuss the merits and the likelihood of seeing these come true. It’s quite packed, actually. Some of the subjects I cover…