Tag: Dungeons

YouTube personality PeanutButterGamer is no stranger to the Zelda series. He is an avid fan, and for the past three years, including 2013, he has dedicated the month of November to our favorite franchise. Although it is rather late in December, I think we can forgive Mr. Hargrave for his tardiness, as his videos are always very well made and incredibly entertaining. This time around, he has made a video explaining his top eight dungeons in the series. Hit the…

With the announcement of The Wind Waker HD came the inevitable discussion among fans and journalists alike of what they thought should be updated within the game and why for its high-definition debut. One prevailing sentiment heard repeatedly by so many people was that Nintendo should complete and include the dungeons which were, at one time, planned for The Wind Waker‘s GameCube release. But, as we all know, that never happened.

Barring other factors which I’m almost certain contributed to Nintendo’s decision, Aonuma has said before that the reason the cut dungeons couldn’t be included in The Wind Waker HD is that the dungeons which were left unused in The Wind Waker ended being implemented in other Zelda games.

But, as it is a very common one to ask The Legend of Zelda‘s current producer, IGN brought the question of the cut dungeons’ fates up to Aonuma in a recent interview. Aonuma restated the point that the dungeons had already seen the light of day in other titles, but then went on to explain a little further about the fate of their use.

Head past the jump to read what he had to say.

Alright, well here it is: The last leg of the journey. The final destination. The Minish Cap’s end dungeon! Now this is an interesting one. Hyrule Castle is visited surprisingly rarely in the series, and when it is it’s usually a hostile place under enemy control. And as was the case in Twilight Princess, Hyrule Castle is again the final dungeon. It’s kind of funny too, because at first it seemed like The Minish Cap broke this tradition: It’s one…

Hideki Kamiya–the developer behind such games as Okami, Bayonetta, Viewtiful Joe, Resident Evil, and The Wonderful 101–has taken to Twitter to answer exactly why it is he has such dislike for The Wind Waker, the high-seas Zelda adventure that originally appeared on the GameCube. In the past, Kamiya has cited A Link to the Past as a huge source of inspiration for his career in game design. This admiration apparently doesn’t extend to every game in Nintendo’s venerable Zelda series–The Wind…

Alright, well here we are. Time to review the last of The Minish Cap’s dungeons before the last hurrah in Dark Hyrule Castle. It’s not my favorite dungeon in The Minish Cap — that award still goes to the Temple of Droplets — but it is my second-favorite and it’s also the only wind-themed dungeon in the series that I like. I’m sure you’ve noticed the trend if you’ve been keeping up with my Dungeon Reflections, how I’ve bashed the…

Next to bosses, dungeons are the thing I look forward to most while playing any Zelda game, old or new. For me, the most memorable and fun dungeons to replay are those that possess unique qualities or break conventions set forth by previous titles. Most of these temples, palaces, and caves do not adhere to a strict structure, and are designed however the enclosure can best maximize puzzle and enemy count. That’s all well and good, but to me, the…

Gonna be a short review this time, since, well, we’re reviewing The Minish Cap’s sole mini-dungeon: The Royal Crypt. It’s not really a dungeon to be honest; it lacks all of the hallmarks of one, with no Dungeon Map, Compass, Big Key, or main item, and it has no map screen of its own. That said it functions enough like one with the puzzles and collection of keys to advance that some would count it, and I’m including it for…

Nintendo loves the number three. I can’t say I blame them; it’s a magic number, after all. When we think about sets, about grouping things together, there’s a sort of bizarre, inexplicable attraction to the number three. Movie franchises with only three films are exceptionally common, to the point that we even have a word for a set of three movies: Trilogy (the term “duology,” which is a set of two connected films or similar works, is hardly ever used,…

Before I even played The Minish Cap, I’d heard some of its music online and one track that really stuck out to me was the Temple of Droplets’ theme. I was looking forward this dungeon my entire time with the game, and when I finally reach it, I can’t say I was disappointed. The Temple of Droplets — the game’s fourth dungeon — has been one of my favorite dungeons of the series for some time now. It’s my favorite…

Encountered after journeying through the swampy Castor Wilds and dangerous Wind Ruins, the Fortress of Winds is a surprisingly simple dungeon. Just in case anyone gets the wrong impression of my overall opinion on the dungeon from the first things I’m going to talk about, I’ll clarify it here: I enjoy the Fortress of Winds and I think it’s a good dungeon. I’m going to start this review off with my criticism though. The Fortress of Winds is very much…