Tag: cd-i

The Legend of Zelda is the game series that we all know and love. Almost all of us hold the Super Mario series very close to us as well. For a lot of us, Super Mario 64 was our very first video game ever. I love them both, but has the Zelda series made decisions so that the games are stuck at a standstill?

I saw this over at Zelda Chronicles and it really just made me shake my head. Believe it or not, the unofficial Zelda titles that were released for the Phillips Cd-I console actually had some concept artwork and you can view some of the images below. Additionally, there has been an interview with Dale DeSharone, creator of the first two Zelda Cd-i titles. Below is a tidbit of the interview that summarizes the lasting effect of the Cd-i games and…

(Video moved to after the jump. Click read more to watch the embedded video) Hey there guys! Axle here. Yeah, I know, for once I’m actually uploading my videos myself. I got a new video, but this time around it’s not a Curiosity Shop video. This is a video where I talk about one particular topic, specifically which games in the series should be consider canonical, and my thoughts on the matter. It’s kind of an expansion of a topic…