Back in the day before smartphones and social media became the way to busy oneself and connect with friends, people got together to play board games. As the go to in-home entertainment, popular media often found its way into this medium and video games were no exception. Cinemassacre’s Board James sat down with the Angry Video Game Nerd to play some good old fashioned video game board games, one of which was The Legend of Zelda board game.   The…

AVGN SS Impressions

November 22 2011 by Legacy Staff

Over at Cinemassacre.com, the website most known for the Angry Video Game Nerd videos, MotherF–ker Mike has posted a video detailing his first impressions of Skyward Sword. Starting with what he thinks other reviewers got wrong, he then proceeds to explain what he finds works in the game and what he thinks the game’s flaws are. Near the end, he also begins a short heart piece guide about the ones he has found so far. The video is embedded below,…

The Angry Video Game Nerd recently reviewed an old NES game by the name of Hydlide. While the game pre-dates the original Legend of Zelda, the nerd makes a ton of references between Hydlide and Zelda as the games do look somewhat similar to one another. All in all the conclusion that is reached is that… Hydlide is a terrible game, and Zelda is an amazing game. It’s a fun video to watch, but beware that it does contain some…