
We’ve had a bit a slow day today, but being a holiday and everything it’s almost to be expected. That, and the staff all seems to be taking a nice hiatus at the same time. Okay that’s not fair: Alex Plant is busting his ass with school papers to clear up time for the Skyward Sword Walkthrough, Bre is working on a special ZI tribute video, Damir is working on the Top 100 Video feature, and… the rest of the staff is sitting around with their thumbs up their butts. Okay, so that’s not fair either. Hey, I’m just poking fun! Don’t hurt me!

Luckily for the staff, and for you guys, I am off of work for the week as I am recovering from what apparently was a pretty severe muscle spasm right in the joint of my knee, causing some odd swelling and a ton of pain when walking. Oh, my back is also tense and in pain as well. Naturally, that’s not so lucky for me, but it means I have all this time to provide you guys with glorious posts like this one. It’s Halloween, so instead of ignoring it like we tend to do with a lot of non-gaming related events, hop inside to look at a ton of pumpkin/halloween related art. Seriously, it’s pretty awesome.

Source: ~crazyfreak, ~virtual-blue, ‘sigurdhosenfeld, ~celtilia, foxeaf, ~kefka750

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