
Update #5 -Check out our analysis of the intro right here!

Another day, another massive Skyward Sword update. This time we have a camera recorded playthrough of Skyward Sword’s intro sequence as well as the first temple up until Link receives the beetle. This however, is not the interesting part of this video. That title goes to the very beginning, where see a Dragon Age-esque intro cinematic telling us the backstory of the game. The presenter cuts it off half-way though, but it’s still enough of a teaser. Have a look at the video below, as well as the (mostly accurate) translation.

Tip courtesy of fan Williamrousell. Thank you very much! Original footage by santydelacoru.

If the above video doesn’t work for you, take a look at the intro-only video with subtitles for the in-game stuff on youtube.

Many thanks to Joseph Acosta for the translations and the illegible lines!


1 – Esta es una historia transmitida por los humanes desde tiempo immemorial. (Fi speaking)

2 – La historia de la batalla más cruenta y feroz jamás vista

3 – De las entranas de la tierra emergio la esencia pura del mal.

4 – Su brutal ataque sumio a las gentes en la peor de las pesadillas

5 – Las huestes malignas arrasaron los bosques, secaron los rios y aniquilaron la vida.

6 – Se anhelo era hacerse con aquello que la Diosa protegia, un poder omnimodo.

7 – Un poder omnimodo… En otras palabras…


1 – This is a story passed down by the people since time immemorial. (Fi speaking)

2 – The history of the most cruel and ferocious battle ever seen.

3 – From the bowels of the earth emerged the pure essence of evil.

4 – His brutal attack plunged people into their worst nightmares.

5 – The evil forces razed forests, dried up rivers and murdered relentlessly.

6 – They desired that which the Goddess protected, ultimate power.

7 – Absolute power… In other words…

The 4th line is especially interesting if what Google Translate I managed to make out is true, since it would imply that said evil gave people nightmares. I have no doubt that THIS is Ghirahim’s master, so who or what could it be? Is it tied to Ocarina of Time’s fact about “those sensitive having nightmares” in the wake of a great evil? The Deku Tree told as much to Link, and it was just assumed to be your usual fantasy prophecy plot machine, but what if it runs deeper than that?

Alternatively the line might just be saying that the attack of the evil hordes was like a nightmare to the people. Still, one can only hope until a more accurate translation is found!

There are several other interesting things to note. The races around what is presumably the Goddess near the end of the intro. We see Mogma on the far right presumably, Gorons next to them, the bird-like things whose name eludes me to the right of the Goddess and… Two unknowns. One of them seems to be a fire-like Korok as impossible as that might be, and the other… well, a cross between Birdo and an umbrella is the best guess anyone can make at this point. It is also interesting to note that the Goddess has a lyre / harp in her left hand. Make of that what you will.

A keen eye is always a good thing to have, and in this particular case the props go to Garret from Nintendo Daily who spotted the following thing:


The plot thickens!

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