The October issue of Game Informer magazine revealed tons of details about Skyward Sword and one of them was confirmation that the second dungeon of the game was the Fire Temple. In the latest Game Informer video of Skyward Sword we got a good glimpse of what looks like the Fire Temple entrance near the Eldin Volcano. Interestingly enough, if you look at the screenshot above you can see what looks like a door on the left side of the screenshot and it looks like a painting of… Volvagia from Ocarina of Time.

Volvagia was the boss of the Fire Temple, but there was a backstory behind the fire breathing dragon. Volvagia was a dragon who feasted on Gorons but was later defeated by the Hero of the Gorons. Not much was known about this hero, but he was an ancestor of one of the Sages, Darunia. During Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf revived the ancient dragon Volvagia and he tormented the Gorons once again. Make the jump to find a direct quote from Ocarina of Time concerning Volvagia.

“A long time ago there was an evil dragon named Volvagia living in this mountain. That dragon was very scary! He ate Gorons! Using a huge hammer, the hero of the Gorons… BOOOM! Destroyed it just like that. This is a myth from long ago, but it’s true! I know, because my dad is a descendant of the hero!”

Could it be that this image does in fact represent the dragon Volvagia? Perhaps the Hero of the Gorons will make an actual appearance in Skyward Sword? My personal thoughts lead me to believe that Volvagia will have some significance in Skyward Sword. This would seem like too much of a coincidence for it not to be Volvagia. Furthermore, the Zelda team clearly has gone out of their way to make a significant number of references to other Zelda titles, so the inclusion of a boss from another game would make sense.

What are your thoughts? Do you think Volvagia will be in the game? Are you interested in hearing more backstory about this fire breathing dragon? Let us know by posting in the comments below.

Source: NeoGAF
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Sorted Under: Skyward Sword, Zelda News