Remlit Ferris Wheel Glitch

Remlits. Found on Skyloft in Skyward Sword, they are cute and cuddly during the day, and maniacal demons at night. They are the epitome of bipolar, but who can blame them? Link throws them off the side of Skyloft in his spare time! There has to be some pent up anger somewhere behind those floppy ears and irresistible “mews.”

Zelda Dungeon forum member Jaiv (known on YouTube as jaivfromONM) found another way in which Link could further wreak havoc on these deceiving creatures by placing them in an infinite spiral loop. Jump in to see how!

It seems that if you throw the Remlit at the perfect angle against that Loftwing statue, it will land in a sort of infinite Ferris wheel right behind it. Not the most useful of glitches found in Skyward Sword to date, but still an entertaining and less known one! I know I am going to try this out the next time I find myself wandering around Skyloft, because those Remlits get on my nerves at night.

What are your thoughts on Remlits? Is this infinite Ferris wheel a cruel, or just punishment for the bipolar creatures? Leave a comment and let us know!

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