So starts the weekend, everybody. And with it comes another entry in Zelda Informer’s weekly Photoshop Contest. A few months back, we ran a rather popular contest that asked contestants to destroy a fictional world with Majora’s Mask‘s moon. I really liked that one, so I’ve been thinking of similar ideas for future contests. For this week, rather than see a world destroyed, we want to see a historical even ruined by perhaps the Zelda series’ biggest trickster Skull Kid. Use the Ocarina of Time for evil this week, and check out the winners of last week’s contest: My Big Fat Zelda Wedding.

Last Week’s Contest:

We asked contestants to join two Zelda characters in holy matrimony.

Best Submissions

We only received one entry last week, but luckily it was awesome enough to win our Challenge Mode. Our friend Bacon Informer formed an entire wedding party, including bride Renado and groom Ganondorf (maybe), ring bearer Frodo, flower girl Tingle, and organ player The Happy Mask Salesman. I’d say that Ganondorf cleans up really well; he looks just like a generic groom model now after a shave and a haircut. With the holy Triforce as witness and the Great Goddess showering down their blessings, this tear-inducing wedding will be remembered forever. A great Photoshop indeed.

This Week’s Contest: Ruin a Historical Event with the Skull Kid

We all remember the trouble Skull Kid caused after donning Majora’s Mask. He threatened Termina with a moon, he ruined the lives of countless people, and he stole one of Link’s treasured possessions. But imagine the terrible things this imp would have been capable of if he had realized the great time powers held within the Ocarina of Time.

The contest this week is to show Skull Kid using the Ocarina of Time to ruin a historical event. This event can be based in our reality or set in the fictional history of the Zelda series. I feel I must emphasize a certain contest rule that asks entrants to refrain from offensive material; let’s all just have fun. You can use any of the images in our gallery below, but feel free to use anything you find on the internets as well.

General Rules: Submit your entries in the comments section below.

  • To save images from the gallery, right click the image in the gallery (without opening the image in lightbox) and select open image in new tab. Go up to the address bar and delete __small from the URL. Hit enter, right click, and save!
  • Photoshop is not required to enter the contest. Any image manipulation software can be used to create your entry.
  • Some hand-drawn fan art is okay, but your entry must include some image manipulation to be considered.
  • If you use another fan’s original assets or likeness, please try to give them credit.
  • Please refrain from using offensive material (racial, sexual, overuse of offensive language, etc.) We want to make the contest fun and accessible for fans of all ages.
  • Everyone is entitled to their own opinion at Zelda Informer. In fact, we encourage discussion based on those opinions. However, please do not insult other fans’ work. What may be funny to one person may not hold true for another…and that’s OK.
  • Have fun and be creative!

Deadline: Submit entries no later than Thursday at midnight: 11:59 p.m. PST on August 18. Entries submitted after this Deadline will not be considered.

Challenge Mode

For those that who want to test their skills with something more challenging, we have a few Challenge Rules for you to follow:

1. Your entry must include two other time-based Zelda items.

If you think you’re up to the challenge, include the phrase Challenge Accepted with your submission. Remember, Challenge Mode submissions follow the same rules and guidelines of the base Photoshop Contest in addition to the Challenge Rules.

Good luck!

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