Good afternoon and welcome back friends, fans, and cyber interlopers (you know who you are) to our (late) Tuesday Weekly Feature: the Photoshop Contest! For those who are new to this feature, fear not; this is a very straightforward contest. Simply photoshop or otherwise alter the image, screenshot, or whatever it is we give you for the week and turn it into something hilarious, cool, or anything in between! Once you’re fully satisfied with your creation, post it (make sure you’re logged in!) in the comments section at the end of the article.

Last week, we took a look at new and old combined in a DLC picture of the approaching hybrid, Hyrule Warriors and a Wind Waker selfie. We’ve got some great responses and would like to thank everyone who participated! This week, we take a glance at at what’s to come next with some screenshots from the very limited looks we had at Zelda U. Congratulations to this week’s winner, shown below!

Tara Cullen:



Honorable Mentions:



And now for this week’s photos. We can’t wait to see what you’ve got in mind!

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