Good evening and welcome back friends, fans, and cyber interlopers (you know who you are) to our (late) Tuesday Weekly Feature: the Photoshop Contest! For those who are new to this feature, fear not; this is a very straightforward contest. Simply photoshop or otherwise alter the image, screenshot, or whatever it is we give you for the week and turn it into something hilarious, cool, or anything in between! Once you’re fully satisfied with your creation, post it (make sure you’re logged in!) in the comments section at the end of the article. Last week we had a little fun with the characters of Hyrule Warriors and the winning entries are below!

Additionally, to compensate for our missing this week’s Caption Contest, this week will be a bit of a combined contest. Feel free to photoshop, add a caption, or both to any of this week’s photos, and Jei and I will pick winners in our individual features next week. He will feature the winners from this past week in next week’s feature. Entries can be submitted anytime between the posting of this week’s contest and next’s, so feel free to submit your entry any time in between!

Lucas Robinson:



Weapon Dancer:

Honorable mention:

Harrison Brandsma:

And now, this week’s pictures! Remember: you may photoshop them, caption them, or both this week! So go all out and show us what you’ve got!

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