PBGYouTube personality PeanutButterGamer is no stranger to the Zelda series. He is an avid fan, and for the past three years, including 2013, he has dedicated the month of November to our favorite franchise. Although it is rather late in December, I think we can forgive Mr. Hargrave for his tardiness, as his videos are always very well made and incredibly entertaining. This time around, he has made a video explaining his top eight dungeons in the series. Hit the jump for the video!



While PeanutButterGamer refrains from using profanities, some language may not be appropriate for all of our viewers, so please watch at your own risk.

PeanutButterGamer has been one of my favorite YouTubers since he first started uploading content in 2009. He is always very respectful, and refrains from using profanities in any of his videos, which makes his comedic style more genuine, in my opinion. If you haven’t heard of PeanutButterGamer before, be sure to check him out! He did four other videos in November solely dedicated to Zelda.

Let us know how you felt about his video and your favorite dungeons in the comments below!
Source: YouTube

Sorted Under: Zelda News