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WatchMojo has released a video with a list of the top 10 Zelda moments from throughout the series. For this list, WatchMojo primarily concentrated on key story and event moments and their impact on the series, combined with personal favorites voted on by fans. Here’s a peek at their top 10 Zelda moments and the games they come from…

In the modern world where an advertisement can be skipped over with a click of a button, not a lot of people watch commercials anymore. Chalk it up to the evolution of media. But in the early days of video games, television commercials were exciting and full of the best kind of cheesy acting. YouTube channel Johnny SoCal has taken some of the best Zelda commercials and counted them down in an interesting top ten list. No game was off limits for consideration and the final list features commercials from the beginning of Zelda to modern re-releases… 

CryZENx, an individual who has been reconstructing many Ocarina of Time locations using Unreal Engine 4, has recently uploaded a video of child Link from Ocarina of Time in a room with blocks and rising and lowering water levels.The demo is entitled “Zelda Ocarina of Time/Nvidia Water Cataclysm Demo.” The water appears to be stunningly realistic when it is not spilling over the blocks. When the water does come in contact with something, somewhat blocky droplets form on the surface of the object before sliding off of it. In this aspect, the physics seem realistic…

For those who are unaware, The8BitDrummer is a Twitch and YouTube channel dedicated to covering some nostalgic video game tunes on a drum set. Most of The8BitDrummer’s work uses percussion instruments found within the song he is covering. On Twitch, he takes requests for songs to play while he streams. One video, taken from a stream and uploaded to YouTube is none other than a cover to Ocarina of Time’s Gerudo Valley…

PolyFlicks uploaded a Zelda-themed parody song of “My House” by Flo Rida on YouTube called “Her Name is Zelda.” His parody of the song follows the basic rhythm and sound of “My House.” In addition, PolyFlicks has changed the lyrics to tell a different story about Link and Zelda, while keeping to the spirit of the two characters originally in “My House.” Humor is added to this version of the story, though some of it is mature in nature…

Youtuber AlbertReWesker has uploaded a new video of a familiar area from Ocarina of Time. This time, he recreates the entrance to the Fire Temple. As his previous work, we can experience what Ocarina of Time would look like with realistic graphics and with more details. Even though we only see a small glimpse of Fire Temple, we can get a sense of how it would look like. The video also is similar to his other uploads, in that it shows a darker and more sinister looking version of the temple…

Reddit user AntaresVariant has presented two magnificent custom made Hylian Shields. Each one features an slightly different design on both the front and the back, while he claims they are both full steel plated – adding weight and quality to the whole product. They are not available to buy at this time, but I can’t help but appreciate the craftsmanship. The shields appear to be made out of wood and plated with steel, with the trimming on the front having a nice metallic shine to it. It’s also notable that all the fine details…

Super Mario Maker is incredibly popular right now. Fans have enjoyed making their own levels based on the iconic Super Mario franchise. But that’s not all, by using the given assets, some awesome people have found ways to incorporate other franchises in game, such as Zelda. Blasphemy, you say? Not quite. We have video proof.Two popular YouTubers PeanutButterGamer and SpaceHamster have joined forces to create the gameplay series PB&Jeff where they play various video games and provide hilarious commentary. This time around, the duo is playing Super Mario Maker levels that just happen to be based on Zelda temples…

Caleb, host of the YouTube channel Murph Dat Gaming, has given his top ten favorite songs in the Zelda franchise. The list encompasses several games in the Zelda franchise, including Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Spirit Tracks and even The Adventure of Link

The plot continues to thicken for the NX rumor mill. Eurogamer initially broke out their big guns to spill details on what their sources are claiming the NX is. Other media outlets have virtually been reconfirming that information ever since. However, today we had some rather interesting news come across our desk that goes beyond that initial report. MCV out of the UK is reporting from their own sources “close to Nintendo” that the NX is going to have Breath of the Wild, a new Mario game, and a new Pokemon title…