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Jkelf 99 created a cover to the somber “Farwell Hyrule King” from The Wind Waker. The song is up on YouTube for all to experience and enjoy. J starts by playing a bass guitar chord that amplifies the overwhelming somber beginning of the song. From there, the cover artist adds in some electric guitar pieces that energize the song as it reaches its climax…

Have you ever wanted a 100% complete collection of all official art ever published publicly? Your dream has finally come true, For the 30th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda series, a book titled The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Graphics is releasing in japan that contains all published official art for every Zelda title up through Twilight Princess HD (so, every title except Breath of the Wild). Like the 30th anniversary music collection, there are currently no plans to release this book outside of Japan…

For over a year, YouTube musicians The Team Players have offered amazing Zelda cover after amazing Zelda cover, from Astral Observatory to Saria’s Song to Windfall Island. After so many great renditions of our favorite tunes, we were beginning to wonder when the duo was going to tackle perhaps the most popular Zelda song for fan musicians. Well, we’re happy to report that The Team Players have finally set their sights on the sands of Gerudo Valley, releasing a truly outstanding acoustic cover

Back when I was in grade school, I wasn’t allowed to play video games during the week, lest my grades suffer. (Let’s face it, they probably would have.) Because of this, Friday was a special day. That marked the beginning of the weekend and I could play video games! However, beyond that, we had this kind of tradition in my household. We would go eat at our favorite Italian restaurant for dinner and then head across the street to Blockbuster. (For those of you youngins, Blockbuster was a movie/game rental company where you physically had to get up and go to in order to rent and watch a movie or play a game…

It has just been announced that Nintendo will be adding The Wind Waker HD for Wii U to the wide range of Nintendo Selects already available in North America onAugust 26. What are these Nintendo Selects, you ask? Nintendo Selects are a group of best-selling games given special red and gold packaging and sold for the low price of $20 USD in stores and on the eShop. It’s important to note The Wind Waker HD has been a Nintendo Select in Europe since April…

Hullo, friends! I hope your ready to jump back into Zelda Informer’s weekly Caption Contest. In cased you missed the announcement last week, all of August will celebrate a certain cartoony hero with our Toon Link Month. Our little hero hit the party too hard, too fast last week, as he stumbled across a landscape of tilted mountains. Hopefully, he’ll pull himself together this week, especially since he’s now got a nice set of laser eyes…

Emotions are a very personal thing. That being said, sometimes you are able to convey types of emotions to players through video games in a variety of ways. In addition to many of the on screen cues, music plays a heavy role in emotional impact. Emotional music is often associated with moments of great sadness or despair, but the range of emotions music can evoke from the player goes far beyond just those minute feelings.

The Zelda series has no shortage of emotional and impactful songs. These may or may not be among my favorite overall in the series, but they do make my cut for my top 5 emotional music pieces in the entire Zelda series…

A couple days ago we announced that The Legend of Zelda 30th Anniversary Music Collection is releasing in Japan later this year. The only details we really had at the time is that it would be a two disc collection, suggestion a severely high number of included tracks. Today we now know what games will be featured in the collection and it’s a fairly impressive list. In total, 15 different Zelda games are going to be represented in spectacular fashion Here is the full list…

Majora’s Mask is a vastly unique experience for Zelda fans. One of the most unique things about the game is the ability to transform into the embodiment of other characters in the game who have passed. The Deku, Goron, and Zora masks are iconic in their own right, while the Fierce Deity mask lives on to be one of the most intriguing transformations we’ve ever seen, and this is a series that has had Link turn into a both a bunny and a wolf. Today we’re going to have a nice little vote to see…

I still get chills when I re-watch Breath of the Wild‘s E3 2016 trailer, and I’m convinced it’s mostly due to the music. When I hear it, I’m instantly transported to where I first watched it months ago, and the same goes for this guitar cover. When I first saw the video, I thought to myself, “Oh boy, it’s probably some low-grade cover with grainy video of some guy on his bed.” That is not the case.

In fact, this cover pleasantly surprised me. It sounds really well-done, and at the time of this writing, only has 457 views…