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YouTuber Raz uploaded a video on a possible identity of the Fierce Deity from Majora’s Mask. His theory relies heavily on his video detailing the identity of Majora. To recap Raz’s Majora’s Identity theory, without too heavily spoiling it, in case you want to check it out, a certain individual from the beginning of the Zelda storyline has been torturing himself for ages. This person looked throughout the ages for one like the hero he met long ago in order to figure out the answer to his failure…

In the game, Twilight Princess, we see that a veil of darkness is swept among the kingdom of Hyrule. Any regular citizen, whether they are Hylian, Goron or Zora, are affected in a devastating way once they come in contact with the twilight. As we see in the game, these bystanders become spirits themselves once engulfed in the twilight cloud. However, unlike his friends and everyone else, Link himself does not become a clueless spirit

but instead transforms into a “blue-eyed beast”…

Here’s the big question everyone’s trying to figure out about Breath of the Wild. We know the year it launches, the systems it will be on, the art style, and much more—but those are all minor details, right? What we want to know is where the game is in the official timeline. Theories upon theories have been published to YouTube, and we in the ZI chat room have discussed it ourselves. Now it’s time for you guys to debate about it.

One would assume the appearance…

Not a lot of Zelda fans have been able to play the elusive Breath of the Wild demo. It hasn’t been widely available as of yet, and the largest audience that got to play it was at E3 2016. If you plan on going to EB Games Expo 2016, you’re in luck, as we have been told by an EB Games representative that a Breath of the Wild demo will indeed be present there.

There’s a catch, however. Only 333 fans will get a chance to play Breath of the Wild. How are these fans selected, you ask? To be eligible…

While it is truly great that they are finally releasing a complete collection of Zelda music from the series 30 year span, there’s just a couple things wrong with its release. The first being the fact that considering it’s suppose to be a 30th Anniversary album, not all of the Zelda games will be featured in this music collection. The other problem is that there’s been no word on an album release outside of Japan. Sites like Play-Asia though can help you out with that last problem…

 As Zelda fans, we all know about the different songs that have given meaning to each of the different games and our lives as well. One of the most iconic song in  the Zelda series is none other than Zelda’s Lullaby. Over the years, there have been countless covers of this song ranging from piano, orchestral and even vocal.  All these different versions appeal to different fans of course, and this jazzy cover of Zelda’s Lullaby will have your foot tapping to its bouncy beat…

Lists are always fun to make and even more fun to talk about. In this case a YouTuber named AwesomeFaceProd brought forth an interesting top five video that deals with side quests. Personally you simply need to inject Majora’s Mask into the entire list and call it a day (taking all top five spots), but that’s not to discredit the rest of the series. Surely, Majora’s Mask isn’t the only game with excellent side quests and as AwesomeFaceProd shows you, there are definitely some serious contenders…

Last month, Eurogamer put out a report claiming NX will be a portable console with detachable controllers. Nintendo filed a few patents today that line up with this report, as the patents show a handheld electronic device with controllers that can attach to it. The first two talk about tracking hand/gestures in a bit more detail than older Nintendo patents, but the third one is what really lines up with recent reports. The patent talks about an attachable accessory which can be added to the side of the device. This is most likely the “detachable controller” Eurogamer brought up, as the attachable accessory is shown to be physical buttons…

Ever since Breath of the Wild’s debut demo at E3, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding what many people consider to be one of the possible focuses of the game in terms of its story—the Sheikah tribe. The Sheikah have always been shrouded in mystery ever since the tribe’s debut in Ocarina of Time with Impa, and, if he counts, Sheik, though his existence is little more than a cover story for Zelda as a way to hide from Ganondorf. From the events in Ocarina of Time, we gather that the Sheikah are charged with guarding the Royal Family from danger, and that the village of Kakariko used to be a Sheikah-only settlement, until Impa opened it to the public, as mentioned…

We talked about the 

new Nintendo Selects heading your way later this year earlier this week, including the absolutely fantastic The Wind Waker HD. Today, Amazon has put up pre-orders for the titles that will all release on August 26th. All Nintendo Select titles regardless of platform cost just $19.99 and typically feature some of the very best the 3DS and Wii U has to offer. Here’s a full rundown of links for all Nintendo Select title pre-orders from the new batch…