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Probably one of the most discussed questions among Zelda fans is which is the best Zelda game. YouTubers TwoGuysPlayingZelda tackle this query and give their opinion in an enjoyable video. While they don’t use criteria such as gameplay or graphics, they base their judgement on nostalgia, music, innovation, and replay value. They do tend to favor 3D titles over 2D ones, but they make short, smart comments on these games. Be warned because they do mention some major spoilers of their picks…

FraT29 uploaded a “Lost Woods” Remix from Ocarina of Time. This particular remix is a typical dub-step piece, though the “Saria’s Song” moments are rather high-pitched and somewhat screechy, though the beat is rather energetic. The overall feeling of the song is sort of haunting or mysterious, given the way “Saria’s Song” meshes with the other parts of “Lost Woods”…

Probably one of the most discussed questions among Zelda fans is which the best Zelda game. YouTubers TwoGuysPlayingZelda tackle this query and give their opinion in an enjoyable video. While they don’t use criteria such as gameplay or graphics, they base their judgement on nostalgia, music, innovation, and replay value. They do tend to favor 3D titles over 2D ones, but they make short, interesting comments on these games. Be warned because they do mention some major some spoilers of their picks…

This week, 5 Zelda games line the top Wii U eShop charts. This goes to show how popular Zelda is, and how widely available it is on Nintendo’s current consoles. In the top five we have Ocarina of Time, which is no surprise since the game is loved very much by the community. Beneath it sit Phantom Hourglass, A Link to the Past, The Wind Waker HD, and The Legend of Zelda for NES. It will be no surprise when Breath of the Wild instantly climbs to number one on release week, but that’s a fair ways away…

Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma recently talked with Edge Magazine to discuss Breath of the Wild. He talked about the struggles of created the day/night cycle, and how he didn’t want it to be too dark and scary. While most of the interview was about Breath of the Wild, he talked a bit about Skyward Sword as well. It turns out he was surprised by the Wii’s motion controls, as a lot of consumers were…

In all of the Zelda games, when we first begin the game for the first time, we have to create a save file. The save file music is one of the most memorable pieces of music that Zelda fans have grown to love over the years. As I heard this song, I was reminiscing my first time playing Ocarina of Time and all my childhood memories came flooding back to me. This beautiful cover reminded me of all the quests I have taken with Link…

Are you afraid of the dark? Eiji Aonuma did an interview with Edge Magazine where he talked about a lot of things, but one of the more interesting tidbits had to do with the day and night cycle. He and the team struggled with the cycle because they were worried about it being too dark and scary. Of course out in the real world the nighttime can provide all sorts of unique challenges, but in Breath of the Wild he wanted to present something closer to a personal experience he had while scaling a mountain. Here’s how Eiji Aonuma describes it…

In the world of The Legend of Zelda fan creations, there are so many good ideas that it’s impossible to keep count. Every single day, more and more items come forward that show off new and exciting parts of the Zelda fanbase…

So starts the weekend, everybody. And with it comes another entry in Zelda Informer’s weekly Photoshop Contest. A few months back, we ran a rather popular contest that asked contestants to destroy a fictional world with Majora’s Mask‘s moon. I really liked that one, so I’ve been thinking of similar ideas for future contests. For this week, rather than see a world destroyed, we want to see a historical even ruined by perhaps the Zelda series’ biggest trickster Skull Kid. Use the Ocarina of Time for evil this week, and check out the winners of last week’s contest: My Big Fat Zelda Wedding

When The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came out all of those years ago, I’m sure nobody outside of Nintendo thought it would capture our hearts and our lives in quite the way that it did. Commonly praised as one of, if not the best, entry into the series, there’s no doubt that a lot of people love and adore the title. I remember when I first played it, all I could think of was how cool everything looked! Well, thanks to Etsy, now you can get your hands on a piece of history.