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Of all the temples in The Legend of Zelda, no dungeon is as famous as the Water Temple. Notoriously known for it’s harrowing water-based puzzles, this trap-filled chamber stumps many a gamer. Although the Water Temple was made slightly easier in the Ocarina of Time remaster on Nintendo 3DS, it is still a challenge and is a very memorable place in the game. Being a popular dungeon, a fellow by the name of Albert Wesker decided to re-created the temple in Unreal Engine 4…

The Zelda series brings joy into the hearts of many a gamer; any Zelda fan can tell you that. However, Zelda is not without its sad moments in the games. While we tend to focus on the cheery scenes and lovable characters within Hyrule, not all that glitters is gold. Zelda hides some pretty tragic moments within its fun-filled walls. You can hear about seven of them in the video above, which is titled “Top 7 Sad Zelda Moments.” Be warned, as this top 7 countdown does contain spoilers for various titles…

During E3 2016, Nintendo gave us everything we could ask for regarding information on Zelda Wii U—or as we now call it, Breath of the Wild. We saw hours upon hours of footage from the Nintendo Treehouse: Live show, as well as recorded video of the extensive demo. Because it’s my job, I watched the entire livestream as it happened and have seen much of the demo footage. However, the average Joe may not have done that. Luckily, there are hordes of re-caps and analysis videos said average Joe can see. For example, the one embedded above is about Breath of the Wild‘s weapons system…

It’s almost here. We knew that First 4 Figures was gearing up to release a new Zelda figure based on The King of Red Lions, but now we finally get a sweet look at it. It comes in two versions out the gate. The base version is just a standard figure but the “Exclusive” version contains LED lighting in the water to make the water seem more life like. It also happens to provide an absolutely gorgeous look in the dark. It stands at a stunning 25 inches tall and will run you a cool $449 for the standard and…

While we wait for Nintendo to drop more news on us about the last great Wii U epic, Breath of the Wild will continue to spawn discussions about story and such, but what about the details of what we have already seen? Sure, the overall story is a point of great mystery, but the settings, characters, enemies and other elements we know of could sure use some explanations, including one of the most prominent parts of the game as we…

GameOver Jesse and some other YouTubers, including Commonwealth Realm, discuss how Nintendo could successfully market the NX. Because a rumor has surfaced that the NX may indeed be a hybrid between a portable system and a home console, GameOver Jesse believes that Nintendo needs to be clear and concise in defining what the NX is once it has been revealed. One of the YouTubers mentions a possible commercial idea that focuses on targeting busy families who want to spend more time with each other, if in fact the device can be both portable and played like a traditional console. The Youtubers also are excited for the possibility of being able to play Breath of the Wild on the go and at home…

Koroks are returning in Breath of the Wild and having experienced their appearance in person during E3, I am pretty ecstatic about all the implications this could have. Nintendo released a new cut of footage on their facebook page showcasing Koroks, giving everyone a quick reminder of their existence. It’s pretty interesting as it shows off some Koroks we haven’t seen just yet. We took liberty to transfer the footage over to YouTube for easier viewing, as the facebook video player doesn’t…

Happy Monday, everybody. Zelda Informer’s weekly Caption Contest is ready to kick off with another exciting entry. Throughout the month of August, we have been supplying contestants with a steady stream of cel-shaded goodness in what has come to be known as Toon Link Month. With his expressive eyes and goofy disposition, Toon Link has proven a worthy focus for our contest so, but we’re offering something with a bit more attitude this week. What do you have to say about this edgy image? Share it with us!

Probably one of the most discussed questions among Zelda fans is which is the best Zelda game. YouTubers TwoGuysPlayingZelda tackle this query and give their opinion in an enjoyable video. While they don’t use criteria such as gameplay or graphics, they base their judgement on nostalgia, music, innovation, and replay value. They do tend to favor 3D titles over 2D ones, but they make short, smart comments on these games. Be warned because they do mention major spoilers of their picks. It is interesting…

Fans love taking Zelda music and covering it in a new or different style. We feature off a lot of these covers, from soft acoustic songs, to heavy metal. Today, we are pleased to share a rock cover of the Hyrule Castle theme from A Link to the Past.This cover falls into the sub category of “surf rock,” a sub-genre of rock music that reached popularity on the beaches of the United States in the 1960s. 130Grit Sound Studio is the talented musician behind this cover, combining an electric guitar, drums, and a bass guitar to create a new spin on the familiar song…