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It was delayed from being available at the console’s launch for a late May release. It was then delayed to June 7th (in the US) – which is now, and we now have it. Seriously, people just need to man up and be patient. Nintendo said it would come in the evening, and they delivered at 9:40pm PDT, around 12 hours before their E3 press conference. It was just as they had promised, so people need to stop having a cry.

Honestly, I don’t think Nintendo is truly satisfied with this release. I don’t think they were as ready as they had hoped to be. Why release it then? I think they’ve got some announcement(s) that they wanted to reveal at E3, which required the update to be released. They just got it out in time.

12 Hours Remain

My Body is Ready

Night of the Final Day. 12 Hours Remain. Yes, only 12 hours. Just 12 groups of 60 minutes. Just 720 minutes. Thats 720 groups of 60 seconds. Just 43200 seconds. Just… okay so we all know that it’s extremely close now.

So, Nintendo’s E3 2011 Press Conference. Are you ready? No, I said areee youuuuu reaaaady? I know that I’m ready. I’m ready. I’m ready. I’m ready. Degeneration X and Spongebob slogans aside – it’s time for some Reggie, because it doesn’t matter if you’re ready. What really matters is whether your body is ready. Mine is. Come on inside to find out whether yours is…


That’s right folks, it appears that among all of these E3 rumors and predictions, Nintendo has


set up a Facebook page. They have also created a page for The Legend of Zelda. So, be sure to check them out and like them, as well as liking our own Facebook page. Also, as one of their first status updates, Nintendo posted that the 3DS eShop update was “coming soon”.


Chapter 6 of our Ocarina of Time 3D walkthrough has just been published! Now you’ll journey to the renowned Kakariko Village. This quiet hamlet once was home to the shadowy Sheikah tribe, but now it’s open to common folk. Who knows what secrets lie within its walls?

Today’s Ocarina of Time fan art feature is a sketch of Kakariko Village drawn by ~TheJFP on deviantART. He’s got a bunch of other Zelda-related stuff, so check out his deviantART page for more Ocarina of Time goodies!

LoZ_2quest.gifJust one more day until I’ll be playing Skyward Sword, and so there’s one more rumor I’d like to tackle. Our source suggests that once you defeat the final boss, all kinds of new content will open up to you. This content doesn’t rely on story to push you forward – you’ll simply unlock access to a number of different areas that you couldn’t reach before: hidden content and new bosses inside the dungeons, new places to explore in the overworld, and so on. The possibilities are pretty endless. But is this something we could feasibly see in a Zelda game? I’ll try my best to answer that question.

E3 Logo

Alright, so we showed you the boxes Nintendo’s booth came in, and we showed you the view of the booth from outside. Now, we’ve got pictures of Nintendo’s booth from the inside…kind of. Nintendo veiled their booth with a curtain quickly after construction to avoid the wandering eyes of fans who wanted a sneak peak. However, we also have a photo of the portion of the booth that hasn’t been veiled courtesy of 1-Up. Hop inside for the photo of the booth unveiled, as well as the booth after Nintendo curtained it.

Yes, we normally don’t do this top centered video thing anymore, but fuck it: This is Reggie Fils-Aime. If he is speaking, we best be listening, even if it’s just a continued hype train. I will not taint this post with further speak – I’ll let Reggie have the floor.


Earlier today, as part of our Four Swords Adventures aniversary celebration, we brought back a classic article that looked into how unifinshed concepts from Four Swords Adventures found their way into the plot of Twilight Princess. But there’s another story that you may not know about the history of Four Swords Adventures. Looking back into the development of the game, there are bits and pieces of evidence that suggest that it was once set to become a very, very important and well-known event in Hylian history before its plot was changed. Read on to find out more about what Four Swords Adventures could have been.

Nintendo and The Legend of Zelda have both recently gotten official facebook pages. The Legend of Zelda page can be found here at and Nintendo’s official page can be found here at If you visit Nintendo’s page make sure you take a look at the video starring my personal favorite: Reggie Fils-Aime. The pages are a great way to integrate official Zelda updates into your social media, and for other Zelda related updates be sure to like Zelda…

ONM OoT Review

While we can’t release our review until 10am on June 17th – there are plenty of reviews for Ocarina of Time in some overseas magazines. This one comes to us from the UK – courtesy of the Official Nintendo Magazine. First off, this was their overall summary: “A reverent port that brings Nintendo’s very best to a new generation.”

With reviews so far floating around the 93-95% area, finally Ocarina of Time gets a score that is more fitting. ONM gave it a 98 – if the picture didn’t give it away already. More inside, and remember to keep on eye out for our own review on June 17.