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ONM OoT Review

While we can’t release our review until 10am on June 17th – there are plenty of reviews for Ocarina of Time in some overseas magazines. This one comes to us from the UK – courtesy of the Official Nintendo Magazine. First off, this was their overall summary: “A reverent port that brings Nintendo’s very best to a new generation.”

With reviews so far floating around the 93-95% area, finally Ocarina of Time gets a score that is more fitting. ONM gave it a 98 – if the picture didn’t give it away already. More inside, and remember to keep on eye out for our own review on June 17.

Us Ocarina of Time 3D TV Commercial

Here we are all excitedly waiting for E3, and BAM – we get this US TV commercial for Ocarina if Time 3D. What’s cool about it is that it isn’t just in-game footage. It’s a cartoon animation done in 3D rendering.

Actually, it’s a lot like this funky fan video we posted for Majora’s Mask, that some people insist is the Spanish trailer – but why is it’s music from Sleepy Hollow then, huh? Nevertheless, come on inside for the latest – and potentially last – US Ocarina of Time 3D trailer .


Continuing with the Four Swords Adventures anniversary celebration, we’re proud to announce the first of many Zelda Informer Storyline Guides. Hop inside for the link to the Four Swords Adventures Storyline Guide, and an overview of what you’ll find in it.

Link Comedy

So during my daily webcom check I happened upon this little nugget, the latest in Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal’s video collection. While it is perhaps not the best example of Weiner and his troupe’s comedy, it still features some real gems that should hopefully bring a smile to your face before the inevitable at E3 tomorrow.

And speaking of Webcoms…

On the eve of E3 2011, we have for you all a brand new commercial for the upcoming Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. The commercial is brilliantly done with 3D-rendering. However, I’d like to make note that the graphics you see in this commercial are not exactly aligned with what the game looks like. Since they cannot show 3D footage in a video, they chose to go the route of 3d-rendering that you see in the commercial. Nevertheless,…

It’s that time of the year again! Tomorrow at 9 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, Nintendo will be presenting their material at the E3 press conference. One year has passed since the announcement of Skyward Sword, and this year we are all hoping to see more exciting information. Zelda Dungeon will be hosting our annual Nintendo Press Conference Live Stream to keep you up to date on everything that’s going on along with a live chat. Over the past week, I’ve…

24 Hours Remain

ZI's E3 Preditcions

Dawn of The Final Day. 24 Hours Remain until Nintendo’s 2011 E3 Press Conference. We have heard all of the rumors, we’ve mentioned everything that we could see at E3, and we’ve speculated over all of the surprise announcements that could be made. It’s finally time for us to give our site’s predictions for what we will see.

So, of course, these are just our predictions. Some of them have been confirmed already by Nintendo, others are logical to assume, and some of the others are pretty much just pulling things out of our ass subscribing to rumors. While we’ve gone by what we know of Nintendo and their past, in some cases we’ve gone with nothing but a bit of gut instinct.

In many cases we really hope we’re wrong, because what we want differs from what we realistically expect. So come on inside for everything we think that we will and won’t see at E3. These are Zelda Informer’s official E3 2011 predictions.

The June issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine is now available and inside you’ll find the magazines official review of Ocarina of Time 3D. Cutting to the chase, the magazine gave the game an excellent score of 98% and the exact quote of their verdict can be seen below. A reverent port that brings Nintendo’s very best to a new generation.


Alright, so technically Four Swords Adventures made its debut in America on June 7th, but with all the excitement of E3 tomorrow, we decided to throw it an early party during the calm before the storm. Hop inside for some Four Swords Adventures love, and a taste of what we have planned.

A few days back it was confirmed that there was a single orchestrated track to be found in the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. Furthermore, it was confirmed that orchestrated music would be appearing in the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Well, that music track has been discovered and if click read more, you can see a paid of embedded videos with the music track. Note: If you don’t want to have this spoiled, I suggest not clicking…