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Link's Awakening

We were promised Link’s Awakening downloadable on the eShop today at E3, and that’s what we’re gotten. Looks like this was one of the reasons why the update came out right before E3. Link’s Awakening is now available for download from the virtual console, in the US.

We can’t confirm any other region, but we can say it is not yet in Australia, so is likly not in Europe. It is selling for $6, so finally, many of us can get our hands on this gem.


More Skyward Sword stuff? You betcha, and we have tons more details coming in. I don’t know how Alex is going to contain himself on the show floor, given the brand new demo of Skyward Sword appears to be long… and equally awesome. This is just one piece of art, and it’s likely we’ll get more as the days press on. We wont “just” be bringing you Zelda today, but we sure as heck will cover anything that comes out about it.

Keep in mind we have a brand new trailer fresh on it’s way, along with some more first looks at Mario 3D and Kirby for the Wii. Why does it seem like the information after the presser was more exciting then the presser itself? Oh well, enjoy the new art!


Processing all the E3 footage and uploading it takes a while, more trailers coming in a short while. For now, enjoy this launch trailer for the newest 3DS exclusive. Even though we did not see Super Mario World 3 as some rumors suggested, I will take this as the next best option – a 3D Super Mario game with what seems to be 0 to none gimmicks. Definitely liking it. Also, raccoon suit. Jump inside for the video.


Yeah, you fly in Skyward Sword… ON BIRDS. Yeah, we’re as excited and surprised as you are. Hop inside for more glorious screenshots. Keep an eye out for a brand new Skyward Sword trailer in a few minutes.

Updated to include more screenshots.


Update – Video inside

Alright folks, here’s something fun – the screenshot of the “new Zelda” shown on the trailer for Wii-U. As mentioned earlier, the video started off with what seemed like Twilight Princess footage but then turned into something very different, and much more pants-jizzing. Hop inside for the story and the full image.


To the left you get your first look at the WiiU controller, which is truly revolutionary and has the entire industry buzzing. If you were upset with the lack of Skyward Sword, you can take solace is the buzz this remote is going to generate. Of course, people are super curious about what the actual console looks like.

No worries, we have a nice close up shot for you after the jump.


The cat’s out of of the bag folks. After a stupid amount of time of speculation, name guessing, and rumors, the new home console has been announced – the Nintendo Wii-U. A trailer has been shown, demonstrating some very impressive stuff. Jump in for more info.

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From Nintendo’s E3 conference, Iwata just announced two new Super Smash Bros. games. He stated that they were working on new Smash Bros. games for both the 3DS and the new Wii U console. Also, he stated that the games would have some kind of interactivity. Stay tuned to ZI for more updates from E3.


The Legend of Zelda – Skyward Sword has just gotten several new pieces of information related to its release date, console availability as well as more surprises! Several tidbits have been shown in a video that accompanied the opening orchestra playing a Zelda medley. Jump in for the info.


The worldwide launch of Link’s Awakening is today, courtesy of the Nintendo Press conference. You can download it at some point today from the Nintendo 3DS eShop. We will update you the exact moment it’s available.