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Star Fox 64 3D got a brand new trailer from Nintendo at E3 today. It shows some gameplay and story aspects of the game. Hop inside for the full trailer, straight from E3.

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Among the things not mentioned at Nintendo’s press conference today was Mario Party 9. However, it was added to Nintendo’s official E3 site. We’ll have a ton of screens from the game coming to you later, but for now, hop inside for the full trailer of Mario Party 9.

Nothing really much to say, everything you need to know about the Nintendo Wii U is in that video. I apologize for the stutter around halfway in, once the dust settles I’ll get a proper version up. But I am sure that this minor issue will not stop jaws from hitting the floor. And it’s only one year away!

There have been tons of new goodies made available for the upcoming Ocarina of Time 3D. This includes the brand new trailer that you see above. This is the same trailer that we saw for Ocarina of Time back in 1998, but it has been revamped to include footage from Ocarina of Time 3D. Furthermore, if you are currently a Nintendo 3DS owner, you can log on to the 3DS E-Shop and download the trailer straight to your 3DS. That…


In all the excitement dealing that comes along with a new Skyward Sword trailer, showcasing the beauty of Skyloft, and the danger-packed Hyrule below, you may have missed an important clue that could hold the key to Skyward Sword’s plot. Hop inside to find out what the trailer might have let us know.

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That’s right folks. At E3 2011, Nintendo announced a heap of new games for the Nintendo 3DS, including Mario Kart. It will still be the good old traditional kart racing that we’re used to, along with some new tricks. It appears that the karts will now be equipped with hang gliders and equipment for underwater racing. Hop inside to get a feel for what the new game is going to look like.


The new console has barely been announced, and loads of specifications and information are pouring in. For starters, the official site has ended my inner struggle trying to decide whether to call it Wii-U, WiiU or Wii U (It’s the last one), but there is much more useful information as well. Find out more after the jump.


Animal Crossing 3DS has been getting a hefty update, and a bunch of screenshots are now available. While you shouldn’t expect anything ground breaking or amazing out of the game, there are a few interesting tidbits, and a reference or two you might recognize… Hop inside for the screens.

Several new pieces of Skyward Sword Official Artwork were released earlier today, along with several revamped versions of old artwork. The notable difference between the revamped pieces of artwork, is that the sword Link is holding has changed. In particular, it seemed like he was holding the Master Sword before, but now he is holding a different sword with a green handle. Based on the title of the game, it makes sense that sword in the artwork is the actual…

05 (1).jpgHere is the trailer we’ve all been truly waiting for: New Kirby for the Wii! This is what we thought we would get forever until Epic Yarn came out, and while a good game, it’s nice to a see a return to the Kirby we all know and love. It looks amazing, and honestly this just jumped up on my must buy list for the holidays. Nice to finally see Kirby back on the home console market. We’ve missed you… you pink little puff ball.