What’s this out of the ordinary looking article doing here you are likely wondering. You are also likely wondering what South Park imagery is doing here on a Zelda-focused Nintendo fansite. It is time for answers to those questions, as well as many more. After E3, and all of the awesome support from our fans, we’ve decided to give you a bit of a behind the scenes of Zelda Informer.
Imagine if this was a story on one of those “current affairs” shows. It would have headlines like “The Dirty Secrets of Zelda Informer Revealed”, or “Zelda Informer Exposed”, or “Behind the Scenes of Zelda Informer”. Whatever you want to call it, this is the truth of Zelda Informer. Who we are, what we stand for, why we do this, and what the classic line “Whateva! I do what I want” from South Park has to do with it all.