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The 3DS game Super Mario got some new screens and a new trailer at E3 earlier today. We already have the trailer up for your viewing pleasure, but now you can also take a look at some still shots.They show off some of the enemies, power ups, and levels in the game. Hop inside to take a look at the screens for Super Mario.


Yes, we will have to wait for more than a year to get our hands on the new Nintendo console. Yes it will be long and painful, especially the last few months. There is really little comfort in Nintendo’s latest revelation, except this holiday season with more than 5 high profile 3DS games launching, or next spring when Mass Effect 3 hits the shelves, or Skyward Sword also coming this holiday season, and… what was I talking about again?

Ah yes, screens. These are high resolution images, so proceed with care, otherwise your pesky iPhones might go ka-splat.

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Many people wondered what Nintendo will do for Zelda’s 25th anniversary, and one of the rumors posted mentioned an orchestra, and it turned out to be true. At the very beginning of their presentation, Nintendo hit us with a beautiful Zelda arrangement, fully orchestral, with only a small sound hiccup on their live stream, which we might forgive eventually if Skyward Sword ends up being the best Zelda game ever. Jump inside for the video.


In the days following E3 2010 I couldn’t help but let the theorist out in me, and let loose some speculation on what everything we saw and heard at E3 meant. That gave birth to the article “Skyward Sword: A Theorist’s Speculation”. Well, this year E3 is far from over – but we have already seen and heard lots on Skyward Sword, so it is time for round two of some good old speculation on Skyward Sword’s storyline.


We all knew the new console will have “better graphics than the PS3”, but we did not expect this. With an IBM processor based on super-computer technology behind it, the console packs a gigantic punch. Jump inside for the full tech demo showing real-time rendering.

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Nintendo announced today that Luigi would be starring in his own game on the 3DS in a sequel to the Gamecube Luigi’s Mansion game. He’ll be back with his vacuum to suck up some more ghosts. They revealed a gameplay trailer and some screens of the brand new games. We are working on getting the trailer to you guys, but for now, hop inside and take a look at some screens.

This is the presentation we briefly touched upon, and now for everyone who missed it you can now enjoy Game Trailer’s hands on with Skyward Sword. Of course, we’ll have our own unique impressions hopefully up tonight, or at least later this week. Still, it’s nice to get an insiders look at the E3 demo. Tons of new details are revealed in this presentation, so sit back and enjoy 6 minutes of Zelda bliss.


Here’s the first of many upcoming interviews with our very own Regginator. While very little new information has come to light, he did drop a few lines most interesting. I’m sure most people have notice that the Nintendo presentation has been… scarce at the very least, with only a few new games being shown, and the Wii U being only demonstrated at the end, without any talk about Skyward Sword, nor Pikmin. Reggie is here to tell you why. Hop inside for the recap and the video.

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We just posted about Mario Party 9’s new trailer from E3, and now we have some new screenshots of the game. They pretty much just show some of the various mini-games and characters found in the game. Hop inside for the screens, and stay tuned to ZI for continuing E3 news.


We continue to plow tirelessly through the E3 material available, so stay tuned, we aren’t done yet, not even by a long shot. Let’s focus our attention now to the new Kid Icarus trailer, which looks simply amazing. More details about the story are revealed, as well as brand new locations and new footage. Lastly, multiplayer support! Hop inside for the video.