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So some small quip is making it’s rounds on the internet, and in all seriousness it was clearly just done as a motivational tool for the development teams. Still, Miyamoto issues an ultimatum to the teams behind Skyward Sword and Star Fox 64 3D: These are either the best games in the franchise or they will be put back in the box, to be opened again at a much later date than usual. So what does that mean? Well, it means that if Miyamoto wasn’t joking around (and he said it in a rather serious tone), Zelda and Starfox could get shut down for awhile. Thoughts inside.

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The last really big nugget of information to come out of the Nintendo Developer’s Conference revolves around Mario 3DS. For starters, Super Mario 3DS is just a tentative title. Now that the name is out of the way, the real juicy stuff is the Zelda themed demo. Here is what ign live blogged about at the time of it’s reveal:

Audrey Drake: A Zelda style stage is in it in honor of the 25th anniversary of the franchise!!!!

Audrey Drake: It’s top-down, has a pattern similar to the dungeons in A Link to the Past.

More about this epic level, and one last Mario 3DS nugget, after the jump.


It’s really as simple as the title makes it out to be. At the Nintendo Developer’s Conference, which is a super exclusive event that contains a very select group of people (we’re not among them… yet), Nintendo’s Miyamoto and or Tezuka broke the news that Pikmin is presently in development for Wii U. We’re not sure which one of them spilled the news, but we do know for certain someone said it. There was even some light hearted discussion on how they actually weren’t even allowed to say anything about it.

Earlier in the meeting they stated very plainly that they would not field any questions about Pikmin. This was likely due to the fact they wanted to make the real reveal of it at next years E3, which of course they still will do. That being said, they have confirmed Pikmin is not dead, and it’s coming out in full blown HD. Are you excited yet?


During the Roundtable Discussion with Shigeru Miyamoto and other top Nintendo developers, an exclusive demo for Skyward Sword was played that contains even more new information not in any of the other trailers or demos available at E3. What did the chosen few who got to sit in find out? Hit the jump and see for yourself.


Skyward Sword love is seeping out everywhere, and this time it’s in the form of 3 new official art pieces. To the left is Link riding one of the mysterious birds, and after the jump we feature the new “boss” Demon Lord Ghirahim, along with what we’ll just assume is Zelda. They all look rather stunning, and the more this art style is pushed on me the more I will be sad when it goes away with the next console installation. The other two after the jump.


As E3 rumbles on, Nintendo is preparing to do a Roundtable at 6:00 PST tonight (actually seems to be late starting as of 6:10 PST.) The hopes for this roundtable is that Nintendo will announce some newer games, show a bit more of Wii U, and some more surprises. Nintendo has a tendency to announce show their newer, unfinished products at their E3 Roundtables.

You can read a live blog of the roundtable at IGN here.


Interesting footage keeps pouring in, and this one is no exception – this is the first look at a boss fight in Skyward Sword. It would seem to be one of the early ones, and quite easy, but hey, it’s a start. The video however not only shows the fight in its entirety, it also hints at the story of the game, namely the purpose of Ghirahim – he seems to be chasing Zelda for some reason, and he knows about Zordiana the Master Sword. I personally doubt he’ll end up being the final boss (I see him more of a Zant character), but it’s an option. Hop inside for the video.


Throughout the development of Skyward Sword, much has been made of the topic of the Motion Plus Controls, and the effect they will have on the game. Developers and reviewers alike have echoed the sentiment that it makes every enemy seem almost like a puzzle itself. A review by GameRant posed the question to their fans: Does this focus on puzzles increase or decrease your interest in the game? This got the wheels turning in my head, and I decided to give my thoughts on the matter.


The good folks at ZREO were kind enough to provide us with two amazing pieces of Zelda game music recently. Namely, I am talking about a remastered and enhanced version of the E3 press conference opening orchestral piece, and perhaps even more interesting – the Hyrule Field Theme from Ocarina of Time 3D. Hop inside for the download links!


Footage from various sources keeps pouring in, and will continue to do so for the rest of the evening most likely. This time it’s a little something we’ve talked about earlier, the Zelda demo on the Wii U. The video demonstrates how the light and camera are modified and gives you a much closer look at the whole thing.