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Just in case you like some light reading to go along with your button mashing, Prima is providing games with just the thing when Super Smash Bros. for Wii U comes around later this year. Already confirmed to be releasing a collector’s edition guide for Hyrule Warriors upon its release, we have just received news that the big name fighting game will be receiving a very similar treatment with two different guides. Following the status quo of Prima guides, one is a paperback guide while the other…

Dreams. Hopes. Desires. All of these have been crushed. Yes, those looking to see Skyward Sword‘s main villain, Ghirahim, enter the Smash Bros. fighting ring as a fighter will have to try again in another 5+ years as he’s making an appearance as an Assist Trophy.

“”No, I’ll just beat you within an inch of your life!” Demon Lord Ghirahim makes an appearance in Smash Bros!! He’s an Assist Trophy, so he could conceivably back up Link, too.” — Masahiro Sakurai

When The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was shown at E3 2001, almost every person in the event was disappointed; people were expecting a mature Zelda similar to the one in the graphics demo. But instead of realistic graphics, Nintendo gave us cell shaded graphics and, therefore, the game was hated because it looked “childish” and “immature”. While this is understandable, it didn’t quite deserve all the hate it gets…

No one really dislikes a sale, but I think it’s fair to feel a little off put when one is excluded from it. While there’s not anything explicitly stating that it’s on purpose, the Smash Bros. “Veteran Fighters” eShop sale beginning today in Europe does not include any of the games in the Legend of Zelda series. As saddening as this is for folks who’ve been waiting for the perfect excuse to finally play The Wind Waker HD, The Legend of Zelda, or Link’s Awakening DX, among other titles, there are a number of great games from other series up for sale…

Not only is it “dangerous to go alone”, but you never know when you will walk through a dungeon and need an extra small key or boss key. Thankfully, Jon Kay over at fangamer has created some nifty keychains that can be kept conveniently with your other keys. Hit the jump to check out these awesome gifts for any Zelda fan!

Good evening and welcome back friends, fans, and cyber interlopers (you know who you are) to our (late) Tuesday Weekly Feature: the Photoshop Contest! For those who are new to this feature, fear not; this is a very straightforward contest. Simply photoshop or otherwise alter the image, screenshot, or whatever it is we give you for the week and turn it into something hilarious, cool, or anything in between! Once you’re fully satisfied with your creation, post it…

Stories like this remind me why we’re a fan site to begin with. While we pride ourselves on actual news coverage, reality is we were once kids ourselves and experiencing our first Zelda game. I was about the same age as the girl in this new video during my first experience. Unfortunately I never saw the end of the game back in those days, but it appears she and her sister got to experience the game together from start to finish. The game they beat was A Link Between Worlds on a 2DS. This is raw enjoyment of a game in its purest form…

As if the potential leak today wasn’t enough, we have the latest scans out of Famitsu Magazine that feature Smash Bros. today. The scans themselves primarily focus on Meta Knight and Pacman, and we’re happy to have three of the four pages translated for your viewing. I don’t inherently see a lot of new information here, but it’s still a solid read and worth your time if you happen to be a big Smash fan…

Today we have what many are considering to be one of the most legit leaks for the new Smash Bros. games to date, though honestly they can’t be legit until proven to be true. Right now there is evidence going both ways as to the validity of this leak, and it’s far too close to call definitively. I personally think they are 100% fake – but I am in the minority and seemingly for pretty good reasons. I’m not here to decide for you, but for you to look at the given information and decide for yourself. All of the images associated with the leak…

Would you be as excited for Hyrule Warriors if Zant and Ghirahim weren’t playable? According to an interview between GameInformer and Youske Hayashi, one of the game’s producers, Koei Tecmo only made them playable because of fan outcry. Check out the short quote after the jump.