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Stories like this remind me why we’re a fan site to begin with. While we pride ourselves on actual news coverage, reality is we were once kids ourselves and experiencing our first Zelda game. I was about the same age as the girl in this new video during my first experience. Unfortunately I never saw the end of the game back in those days, but it appears she and her sister got to experience the game together from start to finish. The game they beat was A Link Between Worlds on a 2DS. This is raw enjoyment of a game in its purest form…

As if the potential leak today wasn’t enough, we have the latest scans out of Famitsu Magazine that feature Smash Bros. today. The scans themselves primarily focus on Meta Knight and Pacman, and we’re happy to have three of the four pages translated for your viewing. I don’t inherently see a lot of new information here, but it’s still a solid read and worth your time if you happen to be a big Smash fan…

Today we have what many are considering to be one of the most legit leaks for the new Smash Bros. games to date, though honestly they can’t be legit until proven to be true. Right now there is evidence going both ways as to the validity of this leak, and it’s far too close to call definitively. I personally think they are 100% fake – but I am in the minority and seemingly for pretty good reasons. I’m not here to decide for you, but for you to look at the given information and decide for yourself. All of the images associated with the leak…

Would you be as excited for Hyrule Warriors if Zant and Ghirahim weren’t playable? According to an interview between GameInformer and Youske Hayashi, one of the game’s producers, Koei Tecmo only made them playable because of fan outcry. Check out the short quote after the jump.

First week sales have arrived for Hyrule Warriors out of Japan, and, like all numbered statistics, you can interpret them in many different ways. Personally I’ll start by saying this: the sales weren’t great, but they weren’t horrible either. Hyrule Warriors finished at #2 for the week behind a rather popular Japanese 3DS game. That’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of in the land that values mobile and handheld gaming devices more than home console. The only question now that I have is if these sales will fall off or show some consistency week to week, like Mario Kart 8

As many may know, Hyrule Warriors is nearing its release in North America, and many fans have gotten to try the installment from various events.  Zelda fans in Japan are lucky enough to already have the game, and thus, tons of new information keeps makings its way online.  Game analysis enthusiasts GameXplain managed to get their hands on a Japanese Import of the title, and have been releasing Hyrule Warriors videos every other day.  Recently, GameXplain published a video showcasing…

Recently, a new challenge has taken the world by storm, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. This challenge had been created by the ALS Association in order to raise money for research for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.) The challenge is fairly simple, people are nominated to take the challenge, and they record a video of them first stating who they are nominating and then having ice water poured on them. If the nominees don’t post a video within 24 hours, they…

The Legend of Zelda has been a hallmark of innovation and imagination since its inception, all the way back with the original Legend of Zelda title for the NES. Gamers found themselves thrust into a land unlike anything ever seen before: the vast realm of Hyrule, which could be explored at will in any direction you wanted right from the very start of the game. I’m sure for many gamers, there’s a wealth of glorious memories they hold for this title…

Now that Japan has recieved Hyrule Warriors, the Treasure Box pre-order sets are arriving to people’s homes. NintenDaan on YouTube has graciously made a video of him unboxing the set, giving us another close-up look at the items inside, and a peek inside some of the art book’s pages. Check out the video after the jump!

The ALS Association is currently raising money for research for people with Lou Gehrig’s disease, which currently has no cure, and Jason Rappaport, head of Zelda Universe, recently took the ALS Ice Bucket challenge. You can see Jason’s challenge in the video below.