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Last week, we reported that some copies of Hyrule Warriors were experiencing frame rate drops and occasional freezing in co-op and on the title screen. Well, the people at Koei Tecmo have taken quick notice and are saying that the patch is almost complete. According to the official Hyrule Warriors Twitter, the development of the fix is at the completion stage and is being checked before distribution. The interesting part is that they have added a little something extra…

As a longtime fan of the Zelda franchise, I have played through my fair share of Zelda introductions. Some have worked extraordinarily well, throwing you directly into the action while allowing you to learn the ropes. Others haven’t been as successful. I won’t look at each and every introduction to a Zelda game; instead, I will only look at opening acts that I feel are different enough (either in structure or quality) from others in the series to merit a…

With the new attention Nintendo has finally put on downloadable content, their eShops for the 3DS and Wii U have tapped a whole new market that was being only halfheartedly satisfied before. Thankfully, this advent has given us the ability to download older Zelda games without having to buy the normally adjoining consoles, and recently, these retro downloadables have charted on the 3DS quite well. Click the jump to find out more.

The evolution of Link’s character design is always something that is worth bringing up for discussion purpose because of the quick transition from simple to complex design in a matter of years. The largest transition that was seen was obviously the design of A Link to the Past to Ocarina of Time due to the switch from 2D to 3D visuals. Many people love the iconic design of Link from Ocarina of Time, and for good reason; his visual design is very aesthetically pleasing but shows what a hero looks like too….

Legend of Zelda games have the ability to make us laugh, jump for joy, and sometimes even shed tears. In this video, a young girl cries because she has beaten A Link Between Worlds, tearfully saying how she doesn’t want the adventure to be over.This is undoubtedly one of the cutest videos you will ever see, so hit the jump to take a look.

There have been many reports of bugs and issues with Hyrule Warriors, but Koei Tecmo has announced that they are working on an update that will ideally fix any and all problems users may be having. In addition, another interesting tidbit of news was shared via Twitter on what to expect from the update. Hit the jump to learn more!

Things are about to get real here on Fan Fiction Friday. Since we started this series, we have had fans submit some epic adventures and even one that just wanted to make us laugh. Last week, we featured a full story titled “The Doppelganger Trilogy”. This week we are looking at another story written and submitted by one of our fans. This story is set in Ordon Village, before the events of Twilight Princess. A young Ilia awaits the arrival of her younger sibling with her father, Bo. “Tattered Teddy” by OrdonianHero is not for the faint of heart…

The recent release of Hyrule Warriors in Japan begins to answer a question that’s on the minds of Zelda fans everywhere, just how well is this game going to do? Well Japan’s Software charts show that Hyrule Warriors was a force to be reckoned with this week. Find out how well it did after the jump.

It goes without saying that conferences often drive up sales and pre-orders in the gaming industry. If this marketing tactic weren’t true, companies would see no reason in even spending the money to participate in them. It would make sense that Amazon would see an increase in pre-orders after the Gamescom conference held in Germany last week, but the statistics are not what anyone expected. With games like Destiny and the always popular Call of Duty games on the horizon, nobody expected Nintendo, who didn’t even hold a press conference…

Tonight we got a rather massive update, as both the new pic of the day and the official website have been updated for Super Smash Bros. for 3DS. Through this we get to listen to three tracks from the game, but we also get the entire composer list and what games they hail from, which gives us a great idea of what to expect for the rest of the soundtrack. Even neater is that there is a music player included with the game that lets us listen to the music, voices of the characters, etc. In fact, it’s a fully customizable music player…