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You’ve done it. You have defeated the final boss and beaten the newest Legend of Zelda title. You sit back, relax, and enjoy the final cutscenes as a reward for solving all of the puzzles and bringing light back to Hyrule. Now what? While some people jump right back in to challenge themselves in Hero Mode and others decide to try to collect everything the second time around, many players won’t see as much excitement as the first time through the game. Nothing has really changed except that you may not be able to pick up loose hearts and enemies will do more damage. The solutions…

It is not at all common for Zelda to feature multiplayer, in fact, only Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks involve anything even close to multiplayer. Could, and should, multiplayer be worked into the next Zelda game, and if so, how so? Join in the discussion after the jump!

Yesterday we gave away a bunch of codes for the new Super Smash Bros. for 3DS demo, and today we’re lucky enough to do it all over again. Thanks to the kind generosity of our fan base, we have 15 new demo codes to hand out. These codes come at a premium because they have unlimited plays – rumor has it that the demo released on the 19th will have a limited amount of times you can boot it up. As someone who has the demo myself, it’s amazing how addicting a 2 minute match can become. So, how can you win yourself one of these codes…

Warning: This post contains footage of unlockable characters. If you do not wish to have the game spoiled, do not continue beyond this point.

Super Smash Bros. is out in Japan, which means that all of the details on the game are available to us. While we still have a few weeks until the game releases in the West, the guys at GameXplain have put together a video showing off the Final Smash for every character in the game. As previously stated, if you do not want anything spoiled for the game then…

Now that Super Smash Bros. has released in Japan and some U.S. players have gotten their hands on a demo code via Club Nintendo Platinum Memberships, players are getting a feel for how some of the characters play. Ever since the announcement of the Villager, fans have been waiting to smile gleefully as they wail on their opponents. The Villager’s moves consist of dropping bowling balls, chopping down trees, and putting opponents’ attacks in his pocket. The latter ability has proven to be more useful than previously thought as shown in the video…

Week 2 of Nintendo’s “Super Smashing Sale” is here, and the next batch of games have been discounted on the eShop. This week features titles from the Legend of Zelda series as well as Fire Emblem, Mega Man, and others which we discussed earlier this week. We now have the official promotional video for the sale, which you can watch inside. If you are unaware of the titles that some of your favorite Smash characters come from, you can get a quick glimpse into what made them a part of Nintendo history from the video…

Warning: This post contains images of unlockable characters. Do not view the images in the gallery if you do not wish to have them spoiled.

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS has been out in Japan for a couple of days now, and screenshots are starting to come in showing the damage that the game has caused on the system. It appears that the high intensity control that is brought on from playing the game has resulted in broken circle pads. Some reports only show the rubber cushion for the circle pad falling off, but others…

Dale DeSharone was one of the lead developers at Philips and helped craft the contract between Nintendo and Philips. This contract is what led to the trilogy of CD-i Zelda games, games most of you haven’t played but are generally considered to be really terrible – even if they did provide endless amounts of meme material. In fact, it’s almost as if those games practically founded the concept of YouTube poop. What’s really interesting however is that Philips did reach out for feedback and input out of Nintendo, and Nintendo did, in fact, give some. However, the focus…

We know the game scored a 37/40 in Famitsu, but now we know why. Really when it comes to reviews, the why is far more important than the numerical score itself. I am glad we now have some context, and, in general, they seemed to really enjoy the experience. Famitsu does their reviews a bit different than everyone else: four people get to weigh in and each of them grade the game out of 10. Then they combine the score to get the total score out of 40 possible points. That being said, what did they have to say…

It’s safe to say the staff here at Zelda Informer have been rocking out to the new Super Smash Bros. for 3DS demo the last 24 hours. We happen to have a spare code, so what better way to handle that then offer it to one of you! Whether you were a Gold or under member of Club Nintendo or a Platinum member who wasn’t fortunate, we’re here to at least help one fan get early access to a demo we can all play a week from now. In fact, if any of you have extra codes and similarly would like to offer them up to fans of our site, be our guest! If you’d like to add them to our giveaway, even better! Just email with the details.