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It looks like the hype for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS in Japan was too much for Destiny to handle, because the first portable entry in the series got the first place in the sales chart…

You may have heard about how players were getting 24-hour bans from For Glory Mode in the recently released Super Smash Bros. 3DS.

Basically, players would get banned for using Peach’s Down-Special move, the turnip. When thrown, the game would register the turnip as an item, and assume that the player was a hacker, removing them from the game temporarily.

Nintendo is now working on a fix…

Good afternoon, and welcome back friends, fans, and cyber interlopers (you know who you are) to our (late) Tuesday Weekly Feature: the Photoshop Contest! For those who are new to this feature, fear not; this is a very straightforward contest. Simply photoshop or otherwise alter the image, screenshot, or whatever it is we give you for the week and turn it into something hilarious, cool, or anything in between! Once you’re fully satisfied with your creation, post it (make sure you’re logged in!) in the comments section at…

As I did in my preview, I wanted to start off by making a few notes about me as a reviewer for this game. I have never played a Dynasty Warriors game before. I know of the series and have seen people play it, but I really never got into it myself. I have obviously played all of the Zelda games, so my perspective for this game is from the side of a Zelda fan heading in without any expectations for what this game is supposed to be. I also wanted to warn that yes, there will be some story spoilers time to time.

The Animal Crossing Villager seems to have a rather overpowered move in the new Super Smash Bros. Apparently his “pocketing” move, meant to store projectiles and throw them back later, can completely cancel Link’s, and potentially Toon Link’s, Final Smash. The short YouTube video displaying it speaks for itself. Check out the video after the jump.

Super Smash Bros. is always filled with tons of hidden unlockables and the new iteration for the 3DS and Wii U are no different. Thankfully, the folks over at Gamnesia have put together a complete guide for all the Super Smash Bros 3DS Unlockables that are found within the game. Fortunately most of the Zelda goodies are available right from the start, but I’ve compiled the list of some of the Zelda unlockables after the jump.

Link is one of the most famous heros in gaming, and he has taken on so many iterations that he does not seem stale. Hyrule Warriors, though, seems to show that many other Zelda characters are a lot of fun to play as as well. Perhaps it is time for a new protagonist, or even just a spin-off featuring a familiar side character. Should there be a new hero featured in a future Zelda title? Join the discussion after the…

The man behind The Faces of Evil, Wand of Gamalon, and Zelda’s Adventure discusses his work with these projects, and Nintendo’s say in the matter of them. Make the jump to find out about these long forgotten Zelda pieces!

Hyrule is a classic kingdom that has gone down as one of the most memorable places in gaming history, in any one of its many iterations. Nowadays, it even has Hyrule Warriors named after it. As much fun as it is to revisit, though, is it time to move on to new and interesting places with different elements? Join the discussion after the jump!

A new gameplay mode has been added to Super Smash Bros. via an update in Japan, and Sakurai has finally attempted to explain the mode to us English speakers. I have to say that I don’t totally understand the mode even after seeing an explanation. I mean, I can take a few guesses at what it adds up to, but the way he talked about it was if we are supposed to actually know what this mode already is. Interesting, considering this is the first time we’ve heard about it in English. That said, I’ll leave you his quotes for you to decipher…