At this year’s E3 event, Nintendo decided to forgo a traditional press conference yet again and instead expand upon the digital format they used last year. While this seemed like a careless decision at first, the extremely positive response to this year’s showing suggests otherwise, particularly in regards to Zelda U.

According to GamesIndustry International, who conducted a survey with core gamers before and after E3, 89% of Wii U owners intend to purchase Zelda U when it releases. Additionally, as the chart above shows, the Wii U saw a 50% increase in purchase intent: by far the largest increase of the three consoles. Between this boost to the install base and the monstrous amount of interest in Zelda U, this is looking to be an entry that not only revamps the franchise but also revitalizes Zelda fans who’ve strayed or lost hope in the series.

It’s fun to imagine just how much this already insane statistic could go up once we start getting detailed info about this upcoming title, but I’m already thrilled to hear how strong the impact of this entry will be. What do you think can be done to retain or expand upon this level of interest moving forward? Perhaps an official name for this game? Is there anything for those of you on the fence of a Wii U or Zelda U purchase that would convince you to take the plunge? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: GamesIndustry International (via gonintendo)

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