Thumbnail image for Operation Moonfall LogoTo say Operation Moonfall has taken off is a bit of an understatement. The petition is rocking with 35k+ signatures. Facebook has taken off with a cool 16k+. Twitter is going slow, but it’s continuing to grow every day. At this point it’s safe to say that Operation Moonfall is slowly building into a force to be reckoned with. The desire for Majora’s Mask 3D may never be higher than it is right now. Are you wondering what exactly Operation Moonfall is? Check out the original movement, or you can slide on over to the official website.

Awhile ago we talked about phase 2, which involved getting the Japanese audience involved in this project. Unfortunately, we are still looking for some English to Japanese text translators in order to get the Operation Moonfall material ready to go. So, if you happen to have that sort of skill set be sure to shoot me an email at and we can discuss further details.

That being said, the overarching goal right now is to hit 50,000 signatures, 20k facebook fans, and 10k twitter followers in order to have a solid base to show off to Nintendo. We have some contacts within Nintendo of America, and naturally if you know people inside Nintendo of Europe or Nintendo of Japan, we could use your help as well. Bottom line is: When we officially present this initiative to Nintendo we want to show them this is a serious effort, and it wont be going away.

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