Zelda Door 1Last night Bre and I were discussing the awesomeness that is these doors, and we decided that if I were to make these, they would follow me wherever I go. Mobile doors. We share a lot of fan made Zelda art and crafts on this site, and this is definitely up there in the favorites. AngrySaki has crafted the doors that open his home theater with Zelda artwork from Minish Cap. Both Link and Zelda have their own doors, and it is amazing.

Here is how he made the doors.

The main part of the doors are made of wood (I think it was pine), 2 foot by 8 foot lengths stuck together. The carving in the wood part of the door around the outside was done with a dremel sanding tool. I had planned on doing more, but it was pretty time consuming.

The Zelda “inserts” are on MDF with an MDF border, and the design on it are made of sculpey (a hobby clay you can bake in a regular oven). I rolled thinnish pieces of it and used an exacto knife to cut out the shapes, baked them and then glued them on. There’s also a bristol board like substance for the less prominent raised parts.

I spray painted the whole thing with either a brass or gold, then used a sort of a rag technique to do the ageing (for the ageing I found the most critical part was choosing the right colour).

Zelda Door 2

Zelda Door 3

Zelda Door 4

Zelda Door 5

Source: AVS Forum

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