Nintendo Power: September 2011 Issue

The September issue of Nintendo Power arrived for subscribers last week and is now on store shelves all across the country. There are a lot of little goodies to be found throughout the issue, but surprisingly almost nothing concerning the upcoming Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. One of the goodies came in the Pulse section of the magazine where one of the fans asked this concerning the Zelda Timeline.

Breah D.: I was really excited to see a lot of Zelda articles in the last issue. I was especially psyched to see an interview with Eiji Aonuma, but one of the questions that piqued my curiosity: “Where does Skyward Sword fall in the timeline?” So, I was wondering, is there an official timeline for the series?

Nintendo Power: This question has been asked a lot, but we’re addressing it again because Mr. Aonuma has recently confirmed that there is an unofficial Zelda timeline that his team refers to. However, in order to retain the freedom to insert future adventures wherever they’d like, there are no plans to release the timeline to the public.

Now, this is well in line with what the developers have said, but I’m noting the phrase unofficial Zelda timeline that was given in the answer. I’m not exactly sure how to interpret that since… why wouldn’t they just call it an official timeline? Is it because there isn’t an official timeline and it’s just up to the fans to piece it together? Is it because the unofficial timeline is just their own version of the timeline and not necessarily the correct one? Perhaps they just call it unofficial since it’s not actually published. Who knows, but it’s nice to see this topic brought up again.

In this months issue of The Score, there are plenty of Zelda related questions and you can see the scan below. Questions consisted of what system did you first play Ocarina of Time on, what your thoughts were on the repeating days in Majora’s Mask, as well as plenty of Nintendo 64 Questions. Speaking of the Nintendo 64, this month celebrated its 15th anniversary and there was 8-pages dedicated to looking back at the system. Plenty of Zelda goodies can be find in the Nintendo 64 retrospective.

There were still plenty of other goodies to be found that were Zelda related. There was a one page bit about the Legend of Zelda and Adventure of Link now being available for the Nintendo 3DS eShop as part of the Ambassador program. There were also several fan-created Zelda goodies such as a Wind Waker Paper Collage and a Ganondorf plush doll. This months issue also featured a portion about YouTuber Sp0ntanius, who we also featured several months back.

You can see all of this months Zelda references as we’ve added those select pages to our image gallery. You can subscribe to Nintendo Power magazine for the low price of just $19.99 for 12 issues. Head on over to Nintendo Power’s Website for more information on how to subscribe. In the meantime, feel free to check out all the Zelda goodies and let us know what you think by posting in the comments below.

Related: Nintendo Power v271: September 2011
Related: Zelda Publications
Related: Skyward Sword Walkthrough

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