The Nintendo Switch has so far been Nintendo’s biggest secret. Very little official information has been released about the upcoming console until the Switch event in Japan a little while ago. Now that Nintendo is in full marketing mode however, a lot of information is flying around left, right, and centre.

In a recent advertisement from Nintendo Portugal, which has now been taken down from their YouTube page, we were inadvertently given our first look at the Developer Menu for the Switch. The video in question showed off what I assume is a Dev Kit with 64 GBs of memory, as opposed to the 32 GBs of memory that the retail edition has. This extra memory could be proof that there’s a larger model Switch on the way, or the extra memory could simply be there for the development tools.

Other smaller details include the console having an automatic brightness control feature, and that battery life can be measured in percentages. It’s also worth noting that the original video has been flagged as copyright, so Nintendo has obviously released that they made a pretty large mistake.

What do you think? Are you hoping that there’s going to be a larger version of the console? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: IGN

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