Nintendo has circulated another email and this time it features Robin and Zelda Williams in an advertisement for Skyward Sword. It also has advertisements for Four Swords Adventures for DSiWare, Ocarina of Time 3D, and the winners of the Zelda Flipnote contest that was held a few months back. It also contains links to for the trailer for Skyward Sword and to the official site of the game.

Please take the jump to see the entire picture for yourself.

Nintendo sure is keeping up with the advertising since Skyward Sword’s release is just around the corner and not to mention that it’s already out in some areas. Seeing this as well as many other advertisement is sure to get others wanting to preorder or go buy the game when it does release for their area. I know I can’t wait to get my copy!

Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below and stay tuned for more Zelda news!

Source: Nintendo

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