Four years after its release, Breath of the Wild continues to be milked for new content. There have been dozens of secrets, glitches, mods, hacks, and even a recreation of Mario Kart in Hyrule Field. Recently, a Breath of the Wild speedrunner and glitch-hunter known as LegendofLink has discovered a new glitch that could radically shorten the time it takes to complete the game.

If one performs a series of specific in-game actions, Link will hop onto his bow and fly through the air. This technique, known as “BLS Sliding” (“BLS” stands for “bow lift smuggling”) or more colloquially as “sky-sliding,” acts in a similar way to the game’s Paraglider. The main difference is that, as long as the player keeps an input on the left stick, Link will not be pulled down by gravity nor will he lose stamina. As long as one doesn’t let up on the stick or ram into something, Link will fly indefinitely. For those wanting to try out this glitch, YouTube user JoeDun has kindly put together a tutorial video about sky-sliding, which you can watch above.

You can also see a general overview to the mod in this Twitter post from LegendofLink.


BLS Sliding has the potential to drastically change Breath of the Wild‘s current speedrunning scene, as allowing Link to take flight so effortlessly will help runners circumvent many of the more annoying techniques and strategies currently used to get Link across Hyrule quickly. We’ll just have to wait and see how much time speedrunners will be able to shave off of the game with this new glitch.

To me, Link flying around on a bow is highly reminiscent of Hayao Miyazaki’s Kiki’s Delivery Service. But what about you? Would you give this mod a try? Let us know in the comments.

Source: LegendofLink (via Kotaku)

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