It’s been awhile since we had any new information on the NES Classic Edition, but that changes today as a newly translated radio interview with Nintendo of Canada’s Communication’s Manager, Julie Gagnon. She really opened up on a slew of features, including the fact there are three viewing modes while playing the game, as well as a new save system that sounds an awful lot like save states, a very convenient form of saving that is popular among emulation where you can save anywhere, at any time, and go back to that save should you die or make a mistake. The game will also feature the traditional long form saves, but the idea was to eliminate the need for the classic password system, since most NES games did not have saves built into the games. Here is the full translation:

“Everyone who has played before, who maybe today wants to play with their children; everyone who wants to beat the bad guy, but they couldn’t back then; all of the new generations who love Mario today and want to understand how he was at the beginning, I really think this can bring everyone together.”

“It’s also in the spirit where retro is very present, and finally Nintendo offers it in a formula that I think is very accessible for everyone.”

“What is interesting is that we can play through HDMI, but there will be different modes of how we will see the screen – a mode simulating the retro aspect of our old CRT screens, there will be a mode which can be at the resolution of the modern screens in 4:3 format, and a pixel perfect mode which will display each pixel as a square, so people can have fun with this too.”

“Yes, there will be permanent save points and instant temporary saves to be able to resume and that’s for every single of the 30 games, so we don’t have to worry if we don’t have a password, or restart right at the beginning…”

Full credit to Nintendo Everything for the translation.

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