
Skyward Sword love is seeping out everywhere, and this time it’s in the form of 3 new official art pieces. To the left is Link riding one of the mysterious birds, and after the jump we feature the new “boss” Demon Lord Ghirahim, along with what we’ll just assume is Zelda. They all look rather stunning, and the more this art style is pushed on me the more I will be sad when it goes away with the next console installation.



As an update on our unique in house coverage, expect a ton of hands on impressions tonight and early tomorrow. Alex is stuck in traffic right now as he races back to his house. He got a lot of play time with all the demo modes on Skyward Sword. In addition, he fit in almost every major game you can imagine. Unfortunately, no Wii U impressions until Thursday, but I think everything else will more than make up for the wait!

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