The plot continues to thicken for the NX rumor mill. Eurogamer initially broke out their big guns to

spill details on what their sources are claiming the NX is. Other media outlets have virtually been reconfirming that information ever since. However, today we had some rather interesting news come across our desk that goes beyond that initial report. MCV out of the UK is reporting from their own sources “close to Nintendo” that the NX is going to have Breath of the Wild, a new Mario game, and a new Pokemon title release within the first six months of the console’s launch. Typically, this is referred to by Nintendo as the launch window.

That’s pretty big news in that of itself, showing Nintendo’s dedication to getting big name titles out in reasonable time spans. The report has more information on the NX as well, including five major 3rd party publishers who have already pledged support at launch. These are Sega, Square Enix, Activision, Warner Bros., and Ubisoft. They are supposedly still reaching out to get even more, though the extent of their support isn’t known at this time.

MCV also reconfirmed the report from Eurogamer and added this little nugget:

“It’s a nice bit of kit, a bit of a novelty, but a good one,” said one exec that has got hands on with the machine. “It won’t appeal to PS4 fans. Nintendo seems set on trying to upgrade smartphone gamers. That’s going to be a big job for the marketing department.”

That’s certainly a unique approach if true. What do you think?

Source: MCV (via Nintendo Prime)

Sorted Under: Nintendo News
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