BedZOUNA Reddit-user has posted a picture purportedly showing an image of Majora’s Mask they found drawn on a park sidewalk. Follow the jump to see the piece of Zelda-inspired graffiti in full.

The faded drawing, sketched with either white paint or chalk, clearly shows the titular villain of Majora’s Mask embedded on a dark blue surface. The depiction is fairly well-done compared to the crude doodles most often seen scrawled on public surfaces. Hopefully this only means the artist was unusually skilled and patient, and that it isn’t a sign that the demonic mask is spreading its malicious influence in our world as well.

BedZOUN (1)

Link’s second N64 outing often receives an over-sized helping of attention here at Zelda Dungeon. With images from the ambiguous adventure showing up at random on park sidewalks, perhaps our frequent focus on it is justified.

Have you ever seen a Zelda-related image show up somewhere unexpected? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: reddit

Sorted Under: Majora's Mask