Majora’s Mask 3D is assuredly going to move more than a million units here in North America, as Nintendo is reporting 184,000 sales for the game last month with 730,000 sold all together. World Wide sales are likely around 2 million right now, though we can’t confirm the international figures just yet. Either way, this game certainly has the long term potential of outselling Ocarina of Time 3D assuming it can find a consistent sales figure month to month down the line.

Of course, I was part of the launch sales numbers despite getting a review copy of the game because I wanted that Skull Kid figure. It should also be noted that the Majora’s Mask New Nintendo 3DS XL has slowly become easily find-able at many retail outlets. It appears the system is going to be as easy to get long haul as the A Link Between Worlds system was. It is entirely possible that the port strike was the main cause of issues when the system launched.

The question now is, did you enjoy Majora’s Mask 3D?

Source: Nintendo PR Email

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